My Blog List

Wednesday 24 January 2018

At The End of the Year

At the beginning of the year, the class had their photo taken in this place and position.
Here they are in the same pose, with their year 8 time behind them and ready to face their holidays.
All the best for your next steps ahead and the choices that you make.

The Last Day as Year 8 Students!!!

Looking very laid back in a very empty classroom on the last day of school as Year 8 students.
Good luck everyone for your next steps ahead in your lives!

2017 Year 8 Master Chef Winners

Ella and Drew, both feeling very proud of themselves, after their recent win. 
Their efforts caught the judges' eyes and taste buds.
Their prizes included their badges (seen on their collars) and some games.

Congratulations Ella and Drew!

Saturday 2 December 2017

Kindness Posters

Room 17 has been considering how important it is to be kind. They have been creating simple, compound and complex sentences related to kindness. They looked at some quotes and considered how they could write ones that would reflect their personalities.

 A brainstormed list of 'Random Acts of Kindness' that could be done was created. As part of the homework for the week, the students had to carry out some RAoK and record the results and actions that happened.

The results of the Kindness posters with quotes that reflect the students' personalities are reflected below.










Friday 1 December 2017

Life Education Caravan Visit

Starting the lesson on personality types.
 Sitting inside the Life Education caravan for the first visit, awaiting Harold's visit.  He did not appear until the end of the third visit.

After the three sessions, we understood what the definition of a drug was.  It is something that alters the brain or the body. It is either ingested, injected or inhaled. It was interesting finding out the things that do affect our bodies, including alcohol, cigarettes, tea, coffee and even Milo!

We found out that many people begin their journey to drug addiction through using marijuana.

We looked at personality types and it was incredibly interesting to know that there is a wide range of attributes for each one of them.  Green personalities like being organised, Blue types like to be in control, Red personalities let others worry about doing things or leave them until the last minute and Yellow personalities work best in groups or teams. We could all identify where we sat as far as personalities were concerned.
Anne, getting us to think about the words that identify our personalities.

Looking at criteria that related to drug addiction through case studies seen on a video.

Harold just emerging from behind the curtain.

Harold talking to Anne after having questions asked of him.
Room 17 were all keen to see him, as he does not normally come out for our age range.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Installation of our Hou

Our hou have nearly all been completed and installed in their pride of place in the classroom.
They contain messages and images that reflect the culture, backgrounds, goals, activities they have taken part in, things that stood out for them over the past year.  They are incredibly well done and reflect the students who created them, in many ways.

Although they took a long time to create and we had many interruptions, they are a very good representation of some Room 17 students' journey over 2017.

This hou was much larger than the others and took a little longer to create.
We are now wondering where to install this one!

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Kiana's Beyond Honours Day

Kiana is a student in Nepia House. As part of her Beyond Honours Project, she organised a full day of Maori art (toi) where she coordinated artists, flax weavers, cooks, students from other schools and teachers to come to HNI to assist her.  She organised fifteen workshops that ran three times over the day.  All Nepia students opted into one workshop per session and learnt more about toi, crafts and skills. It was a great day, enjoyed by all.

These two Year 5 students taught whai (string games)  three times over the day.  They were great as they were so keen to help us learn. They were so patient and supportive when trying to teach us how to create a wide range of shapes and designs.