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Friday 13 June 2014

Finding where the body's organs go.

Room 1 spent a fun session placing where organs went in our bodies, then  researching to find out what function these parts actually did within the body.  There was a lot of laughter while carrying this activity out.  We learnt  so much about our incredible human body.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Group AA kicking off their French Toast creating

A very tasty looking breakfast or brunch for the weekend.  I hope that parents of these students get an opportunity to taste it on the weekend!  Bon appetit!

Omelette Making with group AA in Food Tech.

It is no wonder the students arrive back into the classroom with satisfied looks on their faces after Food Technology sessions.

Sunday 8 June 2014

The Incredible Human Body

We watched and sang to this You tube clip as an introduction to a task that the children are going to carry out in groups for inquiry.

As Mr Stove always says, 'The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else,' so is the class.  Each group is going to be finding out about one body system and sharign their finding with the class, to teach everyone else.

We are looking forward to the results and our new learning.