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Wednesday 2 July 2014

2014 Science Fair Outline for Room 1 Students.

Room 1 Science Fair Timeline 2014

Week  7    Term 2
Giving out of information regarding the science fair projects

Week  8    Term 2
Fair testing in class
Discussion of the processes involved in setting up a science fair project

End of   Week  8
Students should have their idea in mind for their project and beginning to consider their steps ahead.
They should have decided if it is to be a science or technological plan.
Start the science fair research to back up ideas for the project.

Holidays/Term 3
 Students must have started the project.

Week 2 of the holidays
Start to draw your conclusions and analyse and summarise your findings/outcomes.

Write up your findings.  Follow the steps you have seen in the Science Room on the boards as well as the forms you have received from your teacher.  You have the steps emailed to you as well.

Week 1 Term 3
Bring your completed work to school along with your notebook and samples. 

Ms Hawtin and your classroom teacher will be judging the Room 1 entries.

The top three place getters will be entered into the HNI Science Fair competition.
 August 6
The HNI Science Fair judging will be carried out.

August 15

HB Science Fair judging will be carried out.