My Blog List

Thursday 25 June 2015


We had a preview of the next form of punctuation we are learning to use.
This video makes it so easy to understand how to use them.
Room 10 will be so accurate with their writing as a result of  taking this new information on board.
Watch this space!!!

Thursday 18 June 2015

Colons: another form of punctuation that we have been learning about in Room 10.

We have been learning how to use colons in our writing.  We watched this video to find out.  It has a fun way of explaining them and where we can place them in sentences.  
Our writing will become more accurate as a result now.

We will soon be learning how to use these forms of punctuation as well:  semicolons, hyphens, brackets and parentheses.

Start the video and learn as well.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Some of the art work as a result of the class focus on the ANZAC theme.

Punctuation Points

Our aim was to find out more about some forms of punctuation so that we became more familiar with them.  After we had found out what the punctuation was used for and when it could be used, we had to create a sentence for our display that reflected what we now understood.

Now we have a much better idea how to use semi colons, colons, parentheses, brackets and speech marks.

We shared our work with Nepia House at our assembly this week.