My Blog List

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Life on Mars: The Importance of asking good questions.

Room 10 have been working on the importance of asking valid questions that will help increase their knowledge and understanding of the concepts of interest.
For this task, they had the concept of life on Mars after the relatively recent media interest in this topic.  Each student came up with their own open question that they then researched and summarised their findings.  The resulting nformation has been shared with others and is very impressive learning.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Term Three's Top Reach Award Students in Room 10.

At the end of each term, the top five Reach Award recipients are recognised and acknowledged for their efforts.  

Last term in Room 10, there were several students who tied within the top five awards so they were all honoured.  Each student gets their name in the newsletter and an extra 2 Wild Card points in their Gold Books to use towards any Gold that they are aiming for as well as being applauded by the rest of the class.

They are: Jack, Vincent, Juan, Gemma, Charlotte, Pippa and Jaime.

Anyone can achieve this level; all it takes is to apply the REACH values and to 'G.O.T.A.R.'
Go On, Take A Risk.

Amber's Presentation of the Weather on Venus

As part of the Inquiry homework, everyone in the class has a choice of tasks they could carry out to explore something that is 'unknown and unexplained'.

Amber researched and found out about the weather on Venus.  She created this video to explain and present the weather patterns found on and around Venus.

Enjoy Amber's efforts and find out more about the weather on Venus.

Monday 19 October 2015

The Cross Country Race on the Day

Some of the class on the course on Friday coming up to the downhill section and the home straight.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Maths in Action.

Line Dancing Away!!!

At the end of the Social Dance programme, Nepia House became very proficient with their line dances.  

Room 10 even chorographed and taught the rest of the house a dance.  

It was really great to see the enthusiasm, action and input by everyone throughout the dance sessions.