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Monday 18 April 2016

Motivation From Another Student to Help Others

Josh had created his own bike advertisement which was recognised as being an example to show the rest of the class as an example of very good ideas, vocabulary and setting out for their own ads.  

Josh's work was adapted slightly by Ms Moratti in order to present it to the class.

He then went on to add further details and pictures in order to enhance his own work.  

Thank you Josh, for allowing the class to see an example of very effective vocabulary and ideas used to sell a 'not so effective' bike.

Are you bored with your old, ordinary bike that is the same as everyone elses???
Or, are you looking for a challenge that no one else has tried before???
Well, if so, buy this bike today!!!

A striking bicycle, it has:
  • half a seat (to make your butt slightly lean off the bike),
  • only one functioning wheel (to put you off your balance)
  • absolutely no grip at ALL on the tyre (to make you slip and slide)
  • and... it is only $14.99!

This is the perfect vehicle for any risk taking daredevils and it is at a CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP price!

And if you’re in the mood, we can throw in the Stuntman’s combo!
This includes the Daredevils bike


a carton of milk (that may be 3 years expired).
This milk will get you pumped ready to do stunts on your Daredevils bike and it has the most colorful mould you will ever find in you life!

Remember folks, this is one in a lifetime opportunity so call 0800 12345, NOW!

Preparation for Camp - 'Dancing in the Rain'

In preparation for camp, we needed to check to see if our rain coats were water proof.  A group of intrepid students put their coats on to go underneath the hose.  They were very surprised to find that all their coats would protect them during heavy rain while at camp. 

As part of keeping themselves safe from the risk of being both wet and cold, it was reassuring to know that they were protected from both of these elements which could impact on their enjoyment while at camp.  

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Ti Rakau Room 17 Style

Room 17 have been learning how to use ti rakau as part of their Te Reo Kori programme.  They had the song 'Tutira Mai' as an accompaniment and had to create actions to the waiata's beat.

These students were at the beginning phase of their synchronised actions.

Along with this, they learnt about the whakapapa of ti rakau as part of their reading programme.

Matahiwi Marae Visit

On March 24, as part of Kotahitanga Week, all Year 8 students were bused to Matahiwi Marae.  We were welcomed on with a powhiri.

We experienced the protocol as manuhiri coming onto the Marae, greeting the Tangata whenua with speeches and waiata. Clive School students participated in the powhiri as part of the Tangata whenua which added to the experience for many of the HNI students.

We also learnt about the whakapapa and the tikanga of the Marae. 

It was really pleasing to see the input of our students who helped to make the visit very special.

While in the Whare kai, the students heard the story behind the marvellous  paintings created by Jacob Scott.  They were told the history of the community which included the canoe from Hawaiki to how the land is used today.

As Lovey, the speaker within the Whare kai, retold the story of the images within the pictures, the students gained an understanding of the importance of the Marae and how it has worked for the tangata whenua, it's people. 

The apple trees planted by Sir James Wattie, provided work and food for the Marae.
   The Whakatu freezing works had a huge impact on the community, especially
when it was closed down.

The images here show how the land was used to help supply food
for the community and  beyond.  The acquifer was an ever present 
in the images of the land and it's use.

Maths: What we know at the beginning of our Position and Orientation Work

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Getting Ready For Camp

Our first 'real activity for  camp.

We had to work in our tent teams to put up the tents.  For some of us, it was easy as the tent belonged to one of the group members.  Others had to read the instructions carefully, but we all got there in the end!

Now, we are looking forward to the REAL thing.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Some of Room 17's Flag Designs

As part of the flag referendum, Room 17 developed their own ideas as to what needed to go into the flag that would be used to represent New Zealand, it culture and people.  These are just some of the work that were developed.

When each of the students explained the significance of each symbol they had used, it was evident that there had been a great deal of deep thinking happening in the classroom. 

They are proudly hanging in the classroom at present.

Room 17's Class Councillors