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Saturday 11 February 2017

Waitangi Weekend Turangawaewae Instagrams

As part of flipped homework, Room 17 students were asked to either take a photo of themselves or family members carrying out a family event at a place or event that their family hold close.  This was part of their Turangawaewae. This tied in with the celebration of Waitangi Weekend.

Everyone was asked to create an Instagram with three criteria:

  • a hashtag that reflected their experience
  • a message that used 'Show not Tell' within the words used
  • an image that showed an event that was very special to them.
These are some of the Instagrams they made.  Check them out to see how diverse our class is in their special places or events.

Thursday 2 February 2017

The Class Has Arrived!

Day 1 and ready to go.
31 students ready for a year of learning. Let's go!

Ready and Waiting

2017 has arrived.  
The desks are all ready for their owners.
The walls are loaded with displays.
All that is needed now are... Students.

Roll on Wednesday!