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Sunday 25 June 2017

Max's Statistical Investigation

As part of the statistics unit for this term, all students had to create an investigation based on the 'Data Detective' format which had been discussed and displayed in the classroom nearly all the term.

The theme of the investigation was 'Bullying at HNI'.

All students were sent a survey form to carry out to explain if they knew what bullying was, if they had seen bullying, what they did, as well as bullying related to social media.

Everyone received data from a sample of 50 students across the school.  From that, they were able to use spreadsheets to create their tally charts and frequency tables, then create their graphs.

The analysis of the data in the graphs and the interpretation of the analysed data was then formulated.

From this, the students came to their conclusions about bullying at HNI.

They then considered what they had discovered and how it related to their hypothesis which was formed very early on in the statistical investigation process.

The next step involved thinking about the outcomes and how they impacted on the school and the students. They needed to consider what would be their next steps related to bullying.

As this is a topic that is often discussed at HNI as it is of major concern, it was very important that the students come up with solutions for the problem of bullying.

Above is Max's investigation.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Room 17's Shared Mihimihi

Wig Wednesday

Some of the Room 17 students who dressed their hair or wore wigs for Wig Wednesday this week have been snapped during technology.
 Their adopted personalities were present during the day in a range of ways.
It was a fun way of raising funds along with a bake sale, for Child Cancer.

 Oliver, Ashlee and Makenzie were in Food Tech .
                               Callum, Drew and Ella were pictured in Hard Materials Tech.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Room 17’s Vitruvian Man Results
A Roman man Vitruvius in the 1st century BC stated that a perfect man’s proportion was that his height was the same as his arm span.

Leonardo da Vinci (an artist, scientist, architect) created an image that reflected this theory in art, which represented humanity as perfect and ideal. This artwork is called ‘Vitruvian Man’ which is a study of the human form visually perfected through mathematics.
Naturalism was important too when they tried to figure out the proper proportions of the human body, the reason why the body was naked.

Vitruvius’s Proportions stated that:

  • With arms outstretched, a man is as wide as he is as tall.
  • The chest is the same width as a quarter of the height
  • The measurement from the elbow to the fingertips is also a ¼ of the height.
  • The nose is ½ way between the hairline and the chin.
  • The eyebrows are ½ way between the nose and the hairline.
  • The lips are ½ way between the nose and the chin.
  • The head is ⅛ the total  height
  • The hand is 1/10 of the total height.
  • The foot is ⅙ of the total height.

As a class, we measured our arm spans and heights to see if we compared to the people of Vitruvius's time.
Five students did match with the theory.

We came up with lots of variables to reasons why there were differences.
the two major ones were:
  • We have a better diet, so we are taller than men who lived around 1BC.
  • As life spans were shorter then, there were fewer people who reached the adult height as well.
The data was presented in a scatter graph.

We were looking at patterns, outliers and the setting out of the data as part of the maths lesson.

Monday 5 June 2017

Hockey Skills with Libby.

We were very lucky last week to have an opportunity to work with a hockey expert. Libby is an upcoming hockey player for Hawke's Bay and New Zealand. She worked really well with the class and taught them a lot of new skills. The following videos show some of the skills learnt.

Acids and Bases

Elizabeth and Carmen 
(top left) Carmen and Elizabeth were testing what happened when they combined acids and bases.
(top middle) Carmen and Elizabeth holding a test tube.
 (top right) About to combine the test tubes.
(bottom) About to launch a rocket.