My Blog List

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The end of the first week!

It has been a great week getting to know the students.  There have been so many events happening on that we seem to be coming and going from the classroom all week.

Computers were used in earnest today with nearly all of the students getting into action.  Having people from last year's digital classes is very helpful for those who are just beginning.  This applies to students and teacher alike.

Miss Parker has also been very supportive with getting the new computers up and running.  She is the class Teacher Aide who has been very valuable so far, helping out with the setting up and issuing of computers.

The children set concise goals today (part of the criteria of writing them) and are presenting them in a unique method.  Watch this space for examples when they are all completed.

Everyone has been challenged to G.O.T.A.R. this year.  Ask your child what it means!!!
I am sure that there will be plenty of that happening once they get right into action.

Photos for each post will be added once permission from everyone, has been granted.

Looking forward to the next week.

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