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Friday 11 April 2014

Our Class Banner

This is Ruma Tahi's, Room Ones class banner. We choose six of the best banners designed by our students to paint the banner. The banner had to represent Kotahitanga, Unity.
Kia Ora and welcome to Ruma Tahi’s banner presentation. I’m Felicity.                           And I’m Sam. Down at the bottom of our banner are all the nationalities that our class represents and this shows kotahitanga, how unique our class is. The countries include UK, South Africa, China, France, New Zealand and the Philippines.
The two hands down the bottom of the banner represents unity in our class and how we work together. In the middle sector are all our curriculum areas including reading, writing, maths, music and all the sport, this just shows how much our class loves it.
At the top of the banner the hands represent our classes uniqueness and individuality whilst also coming together to be the winning class of Ruma Tahi. The computer is our taonga, the center of our learning. We are in a digital class.The prominent background colour shows that we belong to to Hillary house. The colours on the word ruma represent the 4 houses of HNI coming together as 1. The word GOTAR is our class motto and means “go on take a risk.” In our class we are all ako’s, we are all learning together.The intertwining pattern holding the banner together is like whakawhanaungatanga, getting to know each other. It is green to represent the colour of growth, our earth and prosperity. The kowhaiwhai patterns separating the sectors of our banner represents tu pono puno, tranquility, spirit and well being. Thankyou for listening and Ka Kite Ano.


  1. It's amazing I love the design and colours

  2. Nice banner room 1

  3. amazing banner room one cool colours
