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Wednesday 13 August 2014

Molly's Beyond Honours Project

 Molly has spent much of the year focussing on developing an awareness of Canteen and what it does for young people who have cancer.  She is also considering the effect cancer has on the siblings of patients.

After thinking about that, she decided to share her knowledge with other students at HNI through her Beyond Honours Project.

She has made 50 goodie bags from canteen bandanas and distributed them among the classes at HNI.  She has asked students to bring along treats and goodies that would help to make a cancer patient or their siblings day.

Room 1 have filled two bags already and begun on a third one. 


  1. Well done Room 1!!!!!

  2. Well done, Molly and Room 1

  3. Nice going guys I love science

  4. Well done Molly

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
