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Tuesday 17 March 2015

Room 10's Thoughts as to What People Wanted to get From the Treaty just After it was Signed.

Room 10’s thoughts about What People wanted to get from the Treaty of Waitangi

Sealers and Whalers
Settlers and Farmers
  • To share the land and it’s resources.
  • To be protected by the Queen
  • For the slavery, sealing, whaling and mass trading to stop.
  • have peace
  • more weapons to support themselves
  • believed the Treaty would solve all their problems
  • more modern resources
  • to keep their beliefs
  • wanted a guarantee that the troubles would stop
  • wanted to stop wars
  • have the right to use their lands as they had done so before the Treaty was signed
  • that the Treaty was a sacred document
  • try things that they did not have
  • Wanted to be able to use the docks.
  • To have as many resources as they could
  • be allowed to have as many seals and whales as possible
  • .Make their lives more successful
  • To be able to use the land.
  • To farm in New Zealand because it had better land than in England.
  • land to build on and start a new life
  • Develop a mini England (Christchurch) /Scotland (Dunedin)
  • Have life as they wanted to have in the old country
  • cheaper opportunity to buy land for farming
  • bring new animals to New Zealand
Missionaries and the Church
British Government
  • The Church wanted to convert the Maori to their religions. (Christianity)
  • The Maori to learn and communicate in English.
  • teach Maori to read and write
  • have Maori read the bible
  • The British wanted to rule over the Maori.
  • Wanted to be a powerful country and have more land.
  • have more land for Government to use and own
  • wanted the Maori to be Christians
  • wanted more resources to be sent back to Great Britain
  • expand their British Empire
  • power
  • Gained rights to have and own land and resources
  • that the Treaty was just a set of rules
  • To make the Maori more English like
  • To take as many resources as they could.
  • Traders wanted money and they wanted to keep selling privately.???
  • to build up their own businesses and own land
  • make money

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