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Thursday 21 May 2015

Charlotte and Gemma's Rube Goldberg Machine

Will's Rube Goldberg Machine

As part of the Inquiry this term, each student was asked to create their own Rube Goldberg Machine and video it to share with the class.

This is Will's version.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

What set us all off with our Rube Goldberg Machines

Room 10 had a task to make a Rube Goldberg machine.  It had to move down three levels, have movement of at least three components and ring a bell.  The students had to then video so that it was able to be shared with the rest of the class.

The students had some amazing fun creating them, developed more perseverance and determination to succeed.  This video was for the motivation and basis from which to start from. 

Friday 15 May 2015

Robyn's plan for the class TREEmendos panel.

This is the design for Room10's panel which is to be placed in the new TREmendous garden.  The garden is being worked on and developed over the next three weekends, in order to get ready for the great TREEmendlus Makeover on JUNE 6.  That will be when Rudd Klienpaste (The Bug man) and Project Crimson representatives will be present to help with the final planting and opening of the new garden area.

Robyn's design was selected by the class as Room 10's most popular choice for the panel.  There were so many great efforts to consider.  

Robyn has Jaime and Juan helping her to paint the design under the watchful guidance of Mrs Griffiths.  

There will be further photos of it once it is standing amidst the rest of the class's efforts within the new 

We are really hoping to get more parental and student support over the next three weekends in order to get all of the background framework completed.  

Come along, bring your spade and a mate, then there will be less to do on the Planting Day.
Morning, lunch and afternoon tea will be available.
The more, the merrier.

Service Gold points will be earned as a result of student Input.

Thursday 14 May 2015

An Intriguing Video Shared with the Class and Maths Class.

This video has a lot of information shared with the class

Room 10 Energiser

After a morning of working very hard, we participate in GoNoodle energisers.   Pop Se Ko is a popular energiser that we move to.  

Energisers help us to increase our heart rates, move oxygenated blood around the body and provide us with more oxygen to give us more energy for the next part of the day.  

Along with the movement, there is a great deal of hearty singing, so much so that we can't hear the video very easily!


Monday 11 May 2015

Creating Pie Charts by Song.

The extension maths class is learning how to create pie charts using protractors.  This short clip has been very helpful to base their learning on.