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Tuesday 14 July 2015

PE Skills with Room 10 during Term 2

 As part of the Year 12 and 13 PE programme at HNHS,  the students have to devise a skills programme to share with intermediate and/or primary school children.

We were lucky to be selected to take part in the programme.  The class had opportunities to experience football, netball, basketball and rugby skills with four students.

HNI students really enjoyed the activities, despite the bitterly cold grass, concrete and turf. They all agreed that they would like to take part in a similar programme again.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Haiku Tunnels

Even though we could not get to Lake Opouahi to see the kiwi health check in action, we still managed to think about the indigenous bird, we all recognise as a symbol of New Zealand.  Room 10 then wrote haiku poems using 'Show no Tell' to create images within words.  The results were really impressive.            

The haiku poems were then written onto pages which were then placed in a tunnel format that look great on display in the classroom. 

Examples of some of the toys made in the Wood and Plastics technologyclass.

The class has to plan and design the models that they would like to create.  As they go through the technology processes they continually check, re-evaluate, redesign and create while developing their models. The results are very satisfying for the creators.

Room 10's Published Author!

Jesse  has had his second story published over the past two years.
His most recent one was included in the book 'Childrenz Stories'.

He is shown reading it to the class as it was fitting for him to do so.

He held the class's full attention while reading.

It was so special to hear, "Oh, I get it," from a group of students, at the end of his reading.

We look forward to further writing from Jesse.              

Thursday 2 July 2015

Will and Kayla's Red Sock Day

Havelock Nortth Intermediate was one of 16 schools selected thought New Zealand to take part in the commemoration of 20 years of Red Socks.  These were made famous by Sir Pter Blake.

Andrew Sanders from Westpac, who are sponsors of the Red Socks Campaign, came in today to talk to the Student Leaders about the story behind the campaign and Sir Peter Blake. 

Friday 3 July is Red Sock Day and the student leaders will wear their socks as part of the commemoration.  

Will and Kayla appear above with their Red Socks on.