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Monday 31 August 2015

Nepia House Social Dancing

As part of PE we have been learning a range of social and line dances with Rooms 5 and 8.  Here we are after one day's learning, honing our skills with our partners dancing the Maxina.

Social dancing has enabled us to learn a range of moves, both with and without partners, increase our fitness with the line dances and the important social etiquette that accompanies this programme.

Thursday 27 August 2015

HNI Debaters in the Radio Kidnappers Debate

Jaime, Candice and Hannah, just before they began to debate the moot 'Television quality has deteriorated from what it was,' in the Radio Kidnappers studio.

After lots of planning, drafting and redrafting, the girls were ready for their debate against Maraekakaho School.  They put up a strong agreement but unfortunately lost by only four points.  I was really proud to see how they negated and rebutted against the opposition.  A great effort for their first live debate on radio.  

Friday 21 August 2015

Post clean up of the Treemendous Garden

Room 10 has taken on board the responsibility for keeping the Treemendous Garden clean, tidy, weed free and watered.  Today we had to help to put back into place some of the stones from the stone wall.
This is part of being the Kaitiakitanga of our school and environment for the next generation to come. This is an honour to carry out.

Room 10 Sport Themed Mufti Day

As part of a fundraiser for the AIMS teams, the school dressed up in their favourite sport gear.  We had a wide range of sports from a full jujitsu uniform, basketball, cycling (this also included the bike being ridden from the beach this morning), rugby, supporters in mufti to a well travelled hat that supported badminton.  A great way of a fundraising and enjoying the fine day as well.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Back to Front Poem

As part of our literacy programme, the students have created poems that need to be read both ways to be fully understood. There are a range of questions that are included in the poem that help to develop the ideas within the words and phrases.

Enjoy Jack's version on Kit Kats.

Kit-Kats Bad or Good?  
By Jack.Horsfall

Kit- Kats taste vile.
No one will ever say
they are a high-end divine treat.
Its like chocolate gold.
That’s a  lie!
Kitkats taste like dirt with cardboard.
You will regret wasting money on this foul snack.
They are the most repulsive, Non-distinctive , absolutely sickening thing that
ever existed in this universe!
What's so marvellous about it?
They are so horrid your head will explode under the pressure of
the massive migraine you’ll be having.
Why would you ever say
They’re  as glorious as a thousand sunsets?
Its a shameless excuse for candy
Don’t you ever tell me
Kit-Kats taste superb.

Now read the poem from the bottom

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Discussion Ideas for Room 10's Cyber Safety

Room 10’s Digital Citizenship Rules

  • Think before you post   
  • Posts are forever - everyone can watch
  • Choose your pictures/comments yourself
  • Avoid TMI  (Too Much information)
  • If you wouldn’t say it in real life, don’t say it at all
  • Don’t brag
  • Don’t be cryptic    seeking attention
  • Quit complaining
  • Don’t overpost
  • Think about the reader
  • Change your privacy settings
  • Curate your photos   ask yourself - would yourself would your grandmother like your post?
  • Keep relationship details to yourself
  • Post Smart

Visit from a Community Police Officer

Today we had a visit from Community Police Office Goodall who spoke to us about the effects of cyber bullying and how it can impact on us.

She shared strategies we can use to keep ourselves safe as well as good advice that we can consider when we post online.

The key idea was:  Never post or comment on anything online that our parents would not approve of.  

Monday 17 August 2015

Pest Tracking Blurb

This board displays some of the background of the elective being carried out in Room 10 this term.  The students who participate, will be making traps that have just been designed by Pouri Rakete Stones. He works for the HB Regional Côuncil and he will be placing them in an area of 12000 hectares, in order to catch a range of top predators.  The traps are pictured in the middle of the board.  We look forward to them being very successful.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

School Technology Challenge

Juan and Candice, along with Will and Jaime, represented Room 10 in the 2015 HNI Technology Challenge competition.
They are left with the remains of their constructions after an 90 minutes of working together to organise their ideas. 
They had to create a construction that would hold a chocolate bar as high and as far out from the tower itself.
They all enjoyed their morning being pitted against the rest of the school teams.

Monday 3 August 2015

Zentangle Rules!!!

More Zentangle designs from Room 10.

Zentangle Designs

As part of the visual arts programme we looked at Zentangle designs.  The idea of working with lines designs, curves and arcs to develop the resulting designs was immediately picked up.  It was very relaxing to carry out the repeated lines and curves. Some student used the Internet to come up with their designs, with a great deal of satisfaction while doing so.  Many students carried on with their designs during other parts of the day as well. It was so captivating.