My Blog List

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Finding Out About the New Systems in the Library.

Last week, Mrs Griffin  showed us how the new library system works so that students can now find out more about the books in the library, as well as request them online.

This new programme allows students to read a book's blurb before they even get to the library as well as find out more about the author.

It will be great to know what new books come into the library and have an opportunity to suss them out instead of waiting in a long queue to get them.

Science Technology

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Science learning carried out today by 10B.    They created multicoloured candles by dipping them in coloured batches of wax.  They blended the colours to create a rainbow look.

The students also learnt about capillary action, which is when the wax goes up the wick, defying gravity.

More Music from the Room 10 Maestros.

Enjoy the group's strumming and singing with 'Yellow Bird.'  It sounds so good!

Room 10 at Music Tech.

Mrs McHattie was delighted with the way that her group from Room 10 were playing and singing so she rushed in to ask if I could come and listen to them play.  I was so delighted to hear and see everyone participating so well.  So, sit back and enjoy listening to them as well.  

Take it away!!!

Sunday 20 September 2015

What Are The Problems Of Stereotyping?

What Are The Problems Of Stereotyping?
  • Low self esteem for the victim
  • Low self confidence for the victim
  • It makes people feel down about themselves
  • They could be judged too quickly with their appearances
  • People feel that they need to be something that they are not
  • You stereotype people to make you feel better than them
  • Prejudice towards a group of people based on judgements that may not have any basis of truth
  • Not Accepting People
  • Suicide
  • They rush to conclusion and you treat them with less respect
  • They stop people from achieving their best
  • Make people feel worthless
  • The people that are being stereotypes feel they should
         be isolated from others, they just want to be accepted
  • People don't take the time to find out what others are like
  • Feel self conscious
  • Low self esteem
  • Insecure
  • Genocide
  • Depression-Suicidal
  • Withdrawn
  • Anxious
  • Putting them down
  • The Stereotypers are Ignorant
  • Prejudice against other groups of people
  • Judging without taking the time to get to know people who are different.
Room 10 have been discussing and researching what some of the problems of stereotyping can be, and the impact of it as well. There are many ways that we can stereotype someone or thing. It is usually done within the first 4 seconds of meeting. It its rather scary to believe that such a short time can impact on us and our attitudes and beliefs so quickly.

Even more scary is the fact that the impact on the person we have stereotyped, can affect them and change their lives irrrepairably.

These are some of the effects that Room 10 students believe that can impact on people if they are labelled so often.

Room 10 students also believe that: We can do something about it!

Thursday 10 September 2015

Figurative Language: Metaphors in songs

As a way of learning what a metaphor is, we listened to parts of some songs that contained metaphors.  We looked at some of the lyrics that created images in our minds, after thinking carefully about the words being used.  We have now learned that metaphors are phrases that compare two things together without using the words 'like or as.'  The comparisons  are usually one image to another.

We then looked for our own examples of metaphors from songs we found on the internet.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Pest Tracking Elective Trap Making

Part of the Pest Trapping elective included Pouri (from the Department of Conservation) coming in to show us how traps worked including one type that we had an opportunity to make.  This type of traps will eventually have a small computer attached that would tell the farmer that the trap have been fired and needed emptying as resetting. The students had an opportunity to label them as well with their symbols and words to 'scare off pests'!

Pouri showing us how to put the traps together.

Step one of testing the trap section within the box.

Step two:  A very squashed pencil which represents what would happen to a pest.

This week during electives, the group put together 17 traps designed to catch higher order predators of New Zealand animals, birds and insects.  These devices are able to capture and then allow for the animals to be released, away from the site that they were found in. 

Cats are the main predator that are caught in these traps. 

It was great fun to put these together and know what they are going to be used for.

Stereotypes: what we know about them.

Friday 4 September 2015

Mathletics Year 8 Style at HNI.

Today, all of the Year 8 students took part in a Mathletics session.  They were put into teams of three and then, competition began.

The Extension class students were markers. 

There weas plenty of mathematical discussion, elaboration of ideas and debate over the accuracy of the answers.

The general reaction afterwards that it was great fun and a positive event.  Everyone who took part received Gold Points for doing so.