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Sunday 20 September 2015

What Are The Problems Of Stereotyping?

What Are The Problems Of Stereotyping?
  • Low self esteem for the victim
  • Low self confidence for the victim
  • It makes people feel down about themselves
  • They could be judged too quickly with their appearances
  • People feel that they need to be something that they are not
  • You stereotype people to make you feel better than them
  • Prejudice towards a group of people based on judgements that may not have any basis of truth
  • Not Accepting People
  • Suicide
  • They rush to conclusion and you treat them with less respect
  • They stop people from achieving their best
  • Make people feel worthless
  • The people that are being stereotypes feel they should
         be isolated from others, they just want to be accepted
  • People don't take the time to find out what others are like
  • Feel self conscious
  • Low self esteem
  • Insecure
  • Genocide
  • Depression-Suicidal
  • Withdrawn
  • Anxious
  • Putting them down
  • The Stereotypers are Ignorant
  • Prejudice against other groups of people
  • Judging without taking the time to get to know people who are different.
Room 10 have been discussing and researching what some of the problems of stereotyping can be, and the impact of it as well. There are many ways that we can stereotype someone or thing. It is usually done within the first 4 seconds of meeting. It its rather scary to believe that such a short time can impact on us and our attitudes and beliefs so quickly.

Even more scary is the fact that the impact on the person we have stereotyped, can affect them and change their lives irrrepairably.

These are some of the effects that Room 10 students believe that can impact on people if they are labelled so often.

Room 10 students also believe that: We can do something about it!

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