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Thursday 7 July 2016

Havelock North High School Open Day for HNI Students

Ashley focussing on his task in the science laboratory.
 During the initial open day at Havelock North High School for intermediate aged pupils, the HNI students had the opportunities to visit a science lab, do Maths, English and Social Studies with teachers who had availed themselves to them, for the day.

The students came back buzzing after their experiences of moving to different classrooms, trying out specialist subjects and working with equipment that we do not have at HNI.  After a lunch, hosted by HNHS, there were many positive comments about looking forward their next year's learning opportunities.
Caleb checking things out.

Magic or Science?  Some explaining is needed here!

Getting ready for their experiments - Leah, Kayla, Caitlin and Hannah.
Adam, prepared for a session in the science lab.

Sitting back, concentrating on what is happening at the front of the room.

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