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Wednesday 12 April 2017

Eating the Results of a Food Tech Session

As part of Food Tech, the class had to plan and create a healthy burger.  
They also had to design a box that would carry their burger.  
Here, Ella, Ruby, Callam, Drew and Tiffany, get to eat the fruits of their labours.  By the look of the faces, they were all enjoying the outcomes of their efforts.

Daniella and Renee appreciate their cooking efforts.

Roksolana balancing out the tomato
on her burger bun.

                                                       Danielle beginning to lay out the lettuce
                                                       ready for her meat pattie.

                                                                                                           Ollie waiting in expectation of the
                                                                                                            meat layer of his burger.
    Riordan awaiting the judge (Ms Bassett).

Looking slightly apprehensive, Callum awaits Ms Bassett to cast her eyes and tastebuds over his efforts with his burger and paperwork.
                          Jonathan stands proudly behind his burger awaiting his work to be judged.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Group 17B - some very appealing burgers worthy of quality evaluations :)
