My Blog List

Thursday 25 May 2017

Faraday Centre Anticipation

Melissa, ready and willing to start her round against the Green Team.
Team talk before the game began. Strategies are being considered along with a desire to get as many hits as possible.

As part of our Innovators and inventors works, we went to Laserforce to find out how a new idea was developed.  Paul Eager, the owner of Laserforce explained to us how he  developed the idea of his company and then went about doing so.  As no one else had anything like a company that provided games which involved shooting people with lasers when he first started, ther was an opening for him to do so.  Along with taking risks, trying something new, and stepping out of his comfort zone, Paul has developed an opportunity for people to have fun, try something new and enjoy the experience.
Just like the Room 17 students did today.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Bush Safety Room 17 Shared Presentation

Prior to going on camp, Room 17 created a shared presentation looking at being safe in the bush.

They had to consider safety aspects that they would or may need to consider while they were at camp.
The requirements for the task were:

  • add an image to reflect the bush or wildlife scene that they may have faced while on camp.
  • create a succinct message to reflect bush safety that hey may need to consider
  • add a hashtag to reflect their message
  • the idea be unique to the class.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

SCAMPER - a Strategy for Thinking Outside the Dodecahedron

We watched these videos today to help us to think outside the square using a range of strategies.
S is substitute
C is combine
A is adapt
M is to maximise, minimise or modify
P is to put to another use
E is for eliminate
R is to reverse or re-arrange.

The students then worked in small groups to SCAMPER an object of their choice, with some innovate and amusing outcomes as a result.  
It was really pleasing to hear the interaction of ideas and the enthusiasm to add to them in order to create something very different.

The class will be doing this when they begin their Dragon's Den task.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Researching A New Zealand Inventor or Innovator

Carmen researched  Alan Gibb to find out what he invented and how he was an innovator.  For someone who gave up the idea of his invention, he came back with determination and now has three amphibious vehicles to his credit.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

What Do You Do With An Idea?

We had carried out a reading task where we listened to a picture story called, 'What Do You Do With an Idea' where we thought about our ideas.
Image result

We then showed them in a visual format so that others could see.  We discovered that there is a wide range of diverse and vibrant ideas that we have inside us but do not always share them.

Introduction to Innovation

We watched these videos to get a clearer understanding of what innovation is and how it differs to invention. 
By substituting the word 'dots' for ideas, the students were able to interpret the meaning of the second video.
This tied in very well with out Growth Mindset thinking.

An Easy Way to Remember Mode, Mean, Median and Range in Statistic.

Eva shared her learning today by remembering a video she had viewed last year.  It helped her to remember what mean, mode, median and range were when she was working with statistics.

Visiting the Havelock North Public Library

Coming back from our visit to the Havelock North Library today, we tried to copy the popular singing  group form the 1960Beatles famous road crossing. Unfortunately for us, the bright sky did not allow for a very clear photo.

For some of us, it was the first time that we havd been into the Havelock North library.

We all borrowed a book or two from the library.  Now, there are no excuses to say that we do not have any books to read in the classroom.  These books will also increase our mileage in Our Round the World Reading Challenge.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Nigel Avery's Visit to HNI-An Inspriational Speaker

 Nigel Avery holding his gold and bronze medals.
On Friday May 5,  Nigel Avery, an Olympic and Commonwealth athlete came to speak to students about the inspiration that took him to the podium in order to receive gold and bronze medals. 
He was determined to succeed and tried a range of sports in order to do so.  He was motivated by seeing John Walker, (other New Zealand athlete) win the gold medal in the Montreal Olympics in 1974.  
John Walker in black, crossing the finish line in first place.
 Nigel was so inspired that he now speaks to students sharing his thoughts.  He said that being the best is the most important thing.  If we don't win, then Nigel explained that being the best we can possibly be and feeling proud of ourselves and our efforts, is the next best thing to do.

Nigel, speaking to a hall full of very engaged students.
One of Nigel.'s displays, showing how you can
achieve by taking steps to do so.
One of Nigel's key phrases for success.