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Saturday 6 May 2017

Nigel Avery's Visit to HNI-An Inspriational Speaker

 Nigel Avery holding his gold and bronze medals.
On Friday May 5,  Nigel Avery, an Olympic and Commonwealth athlete came to speak to students about the inspiration that took him to the podium in order to receive gold and bronze medals. 
He was determined to succeed and tried a range of sports in order to do so.  He was motivated by seeing John Walker, (other New Zealand athlete) win the gold medal in the Montreal Olympics in 1974.  
John Walker in black, crossing the finish line in first place.
 Nigel was so inspired that he now speaks to students sharing his thoughts.  He said that being the best is the most important thing.  If we don't win, then Nigel explained that being the best we can possibly be and feeling proud of ourselves and our efforts, is the next best thing to do.

Nigel, speaking to a hall full of very engaged students.
One of Nigel.'s displays, showing how you can
achieve by taking steps to do so.
One of Nigel's key phrases for success.

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