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Wednesday 5 July 2017

Dragon's Den Winning Team From Room 17

The focus for most of Term 2 was Movers and Shakers, this is where we looked at inventors and innovators.
As part of this learning, the class were divided into groups where they created or adapted an invention (as part of their Scamper activity) to develop an item or activity that could be helpful in their world.

The group comprising of Brooke, Connor, Riordan and Renee, created  The Location Clock.  This innovation was designed to help teachers who needed to know where students were during the school day.

The clock very cleverly had a hand for each class member and when the students left the classroom, they moved their named hand to the venue or activity that they were going to. At a glance, a teacher would be able to tell instantly, where the student was.

This group was selected as they had created a totally new innovation from a known product.

They were the first team to present their product to the 'Dragon', (Mr John Newland) but they overcame their nerves to stand tall amongst the winners from other Year 8 classes.

This activity required a lot of teamwork, persistence, grit, determination, collaboration and a shared vision.

Each group in the class had very divergent ideas and stood out in their own right.

Have a look at the following Google presentations to see the range of ideas that were developed in Room 17.

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