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Saturday 4 November 2017

Chinese Language Week Celebrations

 As part of Chinese Language Week, a group of classes got to make dumplings with Miss Tracey Tong, our Mandarin teacher. In fact, over 500 dumplings were made. we were lucky to be chosen, even though we hadn't started out Mandarin lessons at that point.

Dumplings are a traditional Chinese food, found mainly in the northern regions of China.
Oliver is beginning to portion out the meat to go into his dumpling.
While waiting for the dumplings to cook, we were given an opportunity to practise using chop sticks in a race. We had to move sultanas one by one, from one a bowl to  another in 30seconds, to then see how successful we were.  Riley and Fletcher are having a try here.
Riordan and Melissa  are underway here with Melissa ahead by one!
Elizabeth getting some practise while being watched by Eva and Ruby.
Callum getting ready to fold his dumpling into the  correct way, so that it won't fall apart in the cooking process.

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