My Blog List

Monday 26 May 2014

Static Electricity!

Group BB were testing static electricity with pushes, pulling, lifting and attracting a range of materials in science recently.

Salt, pepper, beer cans, gelatine crystals, paper and water were some of the materials tested with attractive results.

Some things hit the roof, others did not get off the floor, but there was a lot of sticking things together.

Great learning is going on in science.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Room 1's Students Accolades

Greer won a silver medal for her pizza ain the Central REgions Salon Culinaire run by the NZ Chefs Association at EIT on Sunday.     She competed in the Innovative Pizza class which was open to Year 8 to 10 students.  She made a pizza using Posey Pizza bread and Watties chopped tomatoes.  They got to choose their pizza toppings and she made an Italian one called Italiano Delizzo.  She was really pleased about her award but unhappy that she had chopped her finger and had to wear a fancy blue plaster to cover up the blood.     
Congratulations Greer!

Jess was part of a dance team 'The Blow Your Mind Crew' who came first at the Hawke's Bay Dance Festival.

Congratulations to you Jess, for your part of  a great team.

Molly has been selected as a member of the Hawke's Bay Year 8 girls Rep team.  Well done Molly.  You have a busy season ahead of you.

Regan was part of the HNI Cross Country team who came first.  He also received an award for being the fastest runner as well. 

Well done Regan. 

Thursday 15 May 2014

The Graffiti Wall for our focus for this term: Our Incredible Human Body.

Each student had to research and find an unusual or gruesome but incredible fact about human bodies and present it in a graffiti font for the brick wall in the classroom.  There are some amazing facts that they have discovered. 

Some students chose to write in a graffiti format, others used a font they downloaded.  They had to search a suitable form of presentation so that their work had impact on the wall. 

They then had to ask a question and present it also in a graffiti format.  The question had to be an open one. It will the basis of a research task that they will be carrying out next week.  There will be some incredible learning and sharing as a resuit of what they will find out.  

Many people have been in to view their work and think it looks great!

Check out the student's blogs to see their fact and question close up.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Welcome back to Term 2

 The first week flew with lots of catching up with mates, finding out what we were going to be focussing on for the term and settling back into routines. 

The Kapa Haka group had a great trip to the Municipal Theatre to see Secondary school in action. The feedback was really positive with lots of ' Now I know what I want to get to' comments. 

The photos below show concentration in action. They were finding out what were goosebumps and why we get them.