My Blog List

Thursday 15 May 2014

The Graffiti Wall for our focus for this term: Our Incredible Human Body.

Each student had to research and find an unusual or gruesome but incredible fact about human bodies and present it in a graffiti font for the brick wall in the classroom.  There are some amazing facts that they have discovered. 

Some students chose to write in a graffiti format, others used a font they downloaded.  They had to search a suitable form of presentation so that their work had impact on the wall. 

They then had to ask a question and present it also in a graffiti format.  The question had to be an open one. It will the basis of a research task that they will be carrying out next week.  There will be some incredible learning and sharing as a resuit of what they will find out.  

Many people have been in to view their work and think it looks great!

Check out the student's blogs to see their fact and question close up.

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