My Blog List

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Selling an Old Bike

The class was asked to sell a very old and dilapidated bike or one that was very unusual. They had to use a descriptive vocabulary to create images within their words while hooking the reader in with the ideas they were writing about.

Below is Dylan's advertisement for a rather unique bike.

Selling A Bike

Hello ladies and gentleman this is Dylan from the house just around the corner, I have a huge announcement to make, I am selling a non normal motorbike but looks super RAD.



So If you're looking for a new fantastic funky motorbike I recommend this bike for you and it’s only $00.99


6 Nimon St, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

PHONE NUMBER 0800 56789

Comes with a free helmet with a logo that says ULTRA RAD

Nicole's advertisement uses Show not Tell to help to 'sell' her bike.
Selling a Bike

       For Sale an amazing bike that has been loved by its owner!
  • Wheels: Rusty and Bent, to give the you less speed to be safer.
  • Tyres: Dented, Deflated and Free holes, to stop you from having to worry about going over bumpy roads.
  • Handlebars: Twisted and Stretched out, to give you back exercises.
  • Seat: Flat and Even, to keep your butt from being really sore.
     It is only $9.99 so you can get it today!
     All you have to do is call 0800 112 116 Right Now!

Monday 21 March 2016

P.E. As We Never Knew It

As part of getting to know our teams for camp, the Year 8 students al took part in a fun sports session.  They had to work as teams to solve problems and it was fun to war chest the steps that they took to do so.

This activity called Volcanic River involves a team needing to get from one side of a 'river' without stepping off the 'rocks' or leaving one without having a foot on it.  As the instructions were brief, the students needed to come up with the ideas to work effectively in order to succeed.

It was interesting being a bystander, watching people 'fall' into the river, being left in the middle without team support and trying to work as a team.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Nicole Presenting her Taonga to the Class

As part of our explanation writing and Inquiry unit of 'Unity in Diversity,' each student was asked to create a visual presentation about something that was very special to them or their family/whanau.

Nicole wrote hers about her bow and arrow, which she felt very strongly about.

Other students talked or wrote about special pieces of jewellery, collections in tins, dog collars, furniture that was part of New Zealand's history or had been in the family for generations,  pounamu, gold, just as some examples.

Listening to the students retelling their 'stories' about their Taonga,  indicated the amazing diversity within Ruma Tekau Ma Whitu.

Room 17's Pou for the school Wharenui.

After the class planned and designed their own Pou templates, four were chosen for elements in their images.

Eleanor, Benjamin, Keshavleen and Rebecca have aspects of their work included in the class presentation. They will have spent two days solid, creating the full panel. We look forward
to seeing the end results.

Clockwise from top left to right: Benjamin, Rebecca, Eleanor and Keshavleen's work.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Room 17's Sports Captains for the first Half of the Year

Congratulations to Dylan and Savahna on their selection as our first Sports Captains for 2016.

Monday 14 March 2016

Another Version of Five Important Times Related to the Treeaty of Waitangi

Josh's  interpretation of five points that were important to the history of Waitangi.  

Another Interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi

Charyzma looked at a different point of view of the important events relating to the Treaty of Waitangi.  She has considered other perspectives.  It is great to see the diversity within Room 17 in the students' responses to questions and tasks.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Playing Maths Games to Assist Learning

Games are an essential part of learning. 

They help to endorse understanding, retain concepts and are just plain fun!

They are incorporated in all facets of maths, from beginners to higher end thinking maths strategies.

Learning How to Do It!

These students have been working on developing their skills in subtraction with a new strategy called decomposition.

Time Line of the Treaty of Waitangi

George created this timeline as part of his research into the history of the Treaty of Waitangi.  

He had to find, summarise  and explain five key points that he thought impacted on the history of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Adding pictures and symbols helped to explain his thinking and understanding.

Things That Make Us Kiwi

The class was asked to create for homework a visual presentation about things that make us Kiwi.
They had to look at things that have evolved over time in the history of Aotearoa/New Zealand that identified us as being Kiwi.
This is Savahna's presentation as to her impression of 'being Kiwi.'