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Sunday 29 May 2016

Our Research into the Amount of Sugar Found in Foods We Ingest

 As part of our Incredible Body research, we investigated the amount of sugar that was found in foods that we eat.

It was astounding to find out that nearly EVERYTHING we ate, had sugar as an ingredient.

We found out that one teaspoon equalled 4.2 grams of sugar but we rounded it to 4 grams for easier calculating.  (A couple of groups had to use the 4.2 grams though.)

Each group had to check ten food or drink items and set up a display to show the amount of sugar per item.  That amount of sugar was displayed in plastic bags for all to see. 
There was a wide range of comments from the students when tallies began to appear.  
Breakfast cereals were one of the products that contained the highest concentration of sugars, along with  fruit juices. As breakfast is the most important meal of the day, having a high concentration of sugar at the beginning of the day, is not a good idea at all.

As a result of this work, Room 17 students are now far more aware of foodstuffs that need careful consideration when grocery shopping.

One of the juices Rebecca and Rani added to their display, contained  a whopping 7 teaspoons of sugar in a 250ml serving.


  1. Its really interesting how you find out how much sugar is in food!!!

    I really like how you presented it too!!!

  2. Wow, i never knew how much Sugar was in my food.

  3. Yeah, I think we did a great job :)
