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Tuesday 24 May 2016

Sugar Quantities in Food Students Like

We were amazed and surprised at some of the quantities of sugar found in the food that we eat nearly every day.  Snack biscuits, although they are generally salty, still had a small amount of sugar in, 1/8 of a teaspoon.

We found that jelly, which is generally a treat, has four servings per pack, but contains nearly five teaspoons of sugar per serving.  In total,  one packet of jelly was nearly 20 teaspoons of sugar. This, as a class, we found really astounding. 

Yoghurt is a regular in school lunches and it can contain nearly 2 1/2 teaspoons of sugar. This surprised a lot of class members. 

We based our findings on the ratio of 1 teaspoon of sugar =  4 grams.  (It is actually 4.2 grams).


  1. SUGAR!!! yes please, no not really too much sugar.
    HA! :)

