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Tuesday 28 June 2016

Science Technology

17A technology groups have seen the light as part of their last activity with Ms Hawtin for science.

Room 17's Debate Team 2016

Rani, Jodeci and Josh were our representatives for Room 17's Debate Team.  Their moot was 'Homework Should be Banned' and they spoke from the negative.

Together, their debate speeches tied in very well, backing each other up from three very differing perspectives.   Rani, the first speaker, spoke from the point of view that homework isn't too much to ask.  Jodeci came from the angle that homework helps with timing and planning and Josh, the third speaker,  spoke from the perspective that homework prepared one for the real world .

Their speeches are as follows:
Josh's Debate speech

Monday 27 June 2016

Puberty Change Tasks in Action.

Caitlin, Lachlan and Adam had just begun to sort out their groups of pubertal concepts. This task needed people to share their thinking to help explain what some of the concepts meant.
George, Hannah and Ashley sorting out their groups of related pubertal ideas.

Rebecca, Eleanor and Caleb focussing hard to find the last few groups of ideas.
Rani, Nav and Savahna had completed their task.

Puberty Change Tasks in Action.

Caitlin, Lachlan and Adam had just begun to sort out their groups of pubertal concepts. This task needed people to share their thinking to help explain what some of the concepts meant.
George, Hannah and Ashley sorting out their groups of related pubertal ideas.

Rebecca, Eleanor and Caleb focussing hard to find the last few groups of ideas.
Rani, Nav and Savahna had completed their task.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Pubertal Change Task

As part of The Incredible Human  Machine theme for this term, we learnt about changes that happen duirng puberty.

One of the tasks carried out involved looking at a range of ideas that were presented in the format of a diagram, an explanation or definitoion and a title.  The students needed to work togther to tie these points together to assist with their understanding of changes during putberty.

This activity created a  lot of discussion, questioning and researching to find the ideas that related.

Emilie, Quintin and Dylan are seen working here.


We are learning to use colons in our writing.  This was the video we looked at several times to help us to understand how and where to use them.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Wig Wednesday

Rani and Lachlan are wearing their wigs for Wig Wednesday's fundraiser to Child Cancer. They had made muffins and cookies to sell at interval. They helped to raise over $304 .  Well done!

Orienteering Afternoon.

Room 16 and 17 spent the afternoon running around the school, aiming to visit pegs in a random, yet wll organised order, so that they could race against the clock while reading maps.  Kate, from HB Orienteering introduced us to the sport.  For many of the student, this was the first time they had taken part in  a growing sport at HNI.
The general consensus was that it was a great sport enabling map reading, team building skills and exercise, all at one time.

What else that was very interesting, was that many of these students ran for a much longer period of time than they would for the school cross country!

George on the turn near the end of his run
 Dylan and Josh reading and running, to make up their times.
Charyzma, Leah and Nicole reassessing their next move.
Running for the stage.                     

 At the finish line, checking out the results; Caleb, Jodeci, Dylan and Josh check out their final times.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Finding Their Way to See Relationships in Decimals

Georgia and Dylan are finding out about the relationships between tenths, hundredths and
thousandths in decimals. They are using overlaying clear sheets to show how each part of the decimal system works together. 

Monday 13 June 2016

Author's Purpose

We are looking at the  author's purpose for writing during our reading sessions.
We have learnt that they write to:

We are learning to pick up key ideas within texts in order to recognise the main points used by authors when they write.

We watched this video to consider ways that they write to get their messages across.

We will be applying this to our reading for the rest of the week and then further in our author study later this term.

Sunday 12 June 2016

A Fun Way of Calculating the 11 times table.

Some students in Room 17's maths class have taken on board this fun way of calculating the 11  times table.  Check it out to see how quickly you can multiply by 11.  

Flying a Kite for Matariki

Quintin made a box kite for our Matariki celebrations.  He used crepe paper, cane, selotape and string as his basic materials.  He was really pleased to have got it up into the air flying as the video is evidence.
At the end of the afternoon's flying, Quintin's kite was a little worse for wear!

Flying A Kite to Celebrate Matariki

Josh was able to get his kite flying but he had lots of questions as to how he could improve it.

Monday 6 June 2016

The End Results: Room 17's Manu tukutuku

The Process of Making the Manu Tukutuku

Last week the class created Manu tukutuku as part of the Matariki celebrations.  They researched the methods of creating their kites, planned and designed them in groups.  Then they learnt how to use the traditional materials: raupo, toe toe and harakeke. 
There were problems that needed to be solved with the weaving and knot tying but working in groups enabled this to happen.
 Nicole and Nav work on the strips of harakeke for weaving.

 Rebecca and Emilie plan out the woven strips of raupo leaves on the framework of the manu tukutuku.

George and Bailey, planning and setting out the framework.
Close up of the methods used.

Benjamin and George are solving their problem of tying the end of the framework so that it stays in one place.

Alannah and team-mates organising the spacing between the raupo leaves. 
Josh, considering what methods to use when attaching the framework of his group's manu tukutuku,