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Wednesday 22 June 2016

Orienteering Afternoon.

Room 16 and 17 spent the afternoon running around the school, aiming to visit pegs in a random, yet wll organised order, so that they could race against the clock while reading maps.  Kate, from HB Orienteering introduced us to the sport.  For many of the student, this was the first time they had taken part in  a growing sport at HNI.
The general consensus was that it was a great sport enabling map reading, team building skills and exercise, all at one time.

What else that was very interesting, was that many of these students ran for a much longer period of time than they would for the school cross country!

George on the turn near the end of his run
 Dylan and Josh reading and running, to make up their times.
Charyzma, Leah and Nicole reassessing their next move.
Running for the stage.                     

 At the finish line, checking out the results; Caleb, Jodeci, Dylan and Josh check out their final times.

1 comment:

  1. That was so much fun when I did orientering. :) :P
