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Monday 6 June 2016

The Process of Making the Manu Tukutuku

Last week the class created Manu tukutuku as part of the Matariki celebrations.  They researched the methods of creating their kites, planned and designed them in groups.  Then they learnt how to use the traditional materials: raupo, toe toe and harakeke. 
There were problems that needed to be solved with the weaving and knot tying but working in groups enabled this to happen.
 Nicole and Nav work on the strips of harakeke for weaving.

 Rebecca and Emilie plan out the woven strips of raupo leaves on the framework of the manu tukutuku.

George and Bailey, planning and setting out the framework.
Close up of the methods used.

Benjamin and George are solving their problem of tying the end of the framework so that it stays in one place.

Alannah and team-mates organising the spacing between the raupo leaves. 
Josh, considering what methods to use when attaching the framework of his group's manu tukutuku,


  1. Yep, there was a lot of fluff on the floor but also alot of team work.

  2. This looks amazing. I am keen to do this activity with my y 7 and 8s. I am wondering what you used to tie it together, was it harakeke, flax? Also, did you have a resource for instructions, or a member of the community to come in and teach you the process, or just your own knowledge of course! I love how the activity needed so much collaboration and problem solving skills.
