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Thursday 10 November 2016

One Word Poetry

WALT: use vibrant vocabulary to create a strongly worded poem.
These poems were designed to have one word  per line to create strong messages. The students got 'carried' away and added more.  The results were strongly worded poem based on a sustainability theme. Their chosen vocabulary was meant to convince the readers that there is a huge need for all of us to be very aware of our environ,ent, the creatures we live alongside and how we treat them.

The following are an example of some of the strong feelings of students in Room 17.

Pygmy Hippos

2,000s of its kind left in the world dying  
every day, most is by people.

Kept as a victory trophy,
Loss habitat due to deforestation
Which mean we are killing their habitats

You can stop this.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil but those who look on and do nothing

By Kayla

The Whio
Harsh water
Blue wing
Ear ringing
Shots clear
Life less
No more whio anywhere
With a flare
Worn wing
Whistling cries
Please hear
Still as night
But we will not give up the fight.




Threatened because they are being destroyed,
Unguarded because they are being killed,
Eliminated because they are being wiped out,
Exposed because people are revealing their habitats,
Defenceless because they are not protected,
Unsafe because people are killing their families,
Endangered because people think they’re dangerous,
Fearless because people aren’t afraid of getting attacked,
Unwanted because people think they’re mean.
These are words that grizzlies are like,
When humans hurt them very badly.

Cheetah (acinonyx jubatus)

It’s a speedballing machine
Never leaves his eye off it’s prey
It’s claws grip into the ground
For the cheetah to run extremely expeditive
He aims at the prey and looks, then
burts off 100 miles per hour
the fastest mammal alive
Endangered but a incredible apex mammal
This big cat is stronger than pet cats, pumas, panthers and leopards
it’s impossible to outrun a cheetah
The speed and strength is phenomenal
Cheetah’s muscles make the superb speed
But soon this mammal will be GONE!

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