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Monday 7 November 2016

Science At the Tukituki River

The class took part in five different experiments at the Tukituki River. They tested for the ph level, clarity, estimated the speed of an area of flow, measured the conductivity of water and temperature.  They will also be looking at plant and animal life within the river later in the week.

It was a full on experience with lots of hands on, willing to get wet feet and a general hesitance to leave as they did not have time to have a skimming stones competition.
Reading the clarity of the water through the testing tube.
Filling the clarity tube to get samples from a range of sources to read.
Taking the temperature in different places in the Tukituki River.
Getting samples of water to test for ph levels.
Reading the ph level of water from different places within the river against the colour coding for various levels of ph.
Measuring the conductivity of water.
How clear is the water?
Getting another sample to test.
Reading the directions for the next activity of measuring conductivity while testing the Tukuituki's water.

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