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Sunday 26 March 2017

Our I am - Ko ahau Metaphors

Our 'I am - Ko ahau' Metaphors.

Have a read and see if you can identify any of the students from their words.

I am the howler in other people's ears while not meaning to.

I am a pencil, colouring in most things With a rainbow!

I am a small branch of the giant sequoia family tree.

I am the metal sprigs, skidding through the saturated mud.

I look at the world through a math oriented magnifying glass.

I am a little ray of sunshine that suddenly lights up the room

I am a hungry wolf hunting down dinner with my packmates to help me.   

I Am a pencil getting dragged across the paper moving and leaving a trace .

I am a fired dart, shooting hoops with speed and accuracy.

I am a loquacious beaver machine, full of energy and exploding with unique personality.

I am a bookworm, munching pages from time to time.

 I am a rainbow most day’s, sun more than rain with lots of yellow and no grey.

I am a pencil, decorated with colours that don’t match, writing on dirty paper.
I am inspirational ink scribbling across the page…

I am a biscuit maker and I also make cakes to make people happy…

I am a fake feline, a counterfeit queen, a performer wearing a mask visible only to the audience

I am a hunter of unwanted creatures and pests,   
the saviour of native plants and animals.  
I am a spider with lengthy legs to effectively stride the big blue sphere that holds our homes.

Blue, White and red are the colors of my personality.

I am an arthropod, chasing opportunities, giving everything a go.

I am a class electronic customer service, available 24 hours unless there is no power.

I am a mouse not wanting to be heard but still thinking about it.

I am half a pie, the yummy side!

I am a closed door not willing for people to enter.

I am an explosion of words.

 I am a ray of sunshine when I play netball.

I am a shoulder bunting through the team on icy, breath-showing mornings.

I am the boot darting through the frosty grass

I am a hunter, killer of unwanted pests.

I am a hunter of unwanted creatures and pests,   
the saviour of native plants and animals.

Metaphor Puzzle For Mount Pleasant School

As part of the work for Mount Pleasant School, we all created a part to a puzzle. Put together, they all make the message, as shown above. 
On the back of each of these cards, students created their own metaphors to describe themselves.  

The Class Poem we sent to Mount Pleasant School in Christchurch.
We discovered quite a few unusual facts about class members:
  • 22 class members can roll their tongues
  • no one can lick their elbows
  • there are in total 101students and siblings in our class
  • we have four twins in the class
What isn't shown is Ashlee's found poem which was also attached to the Room 17 Group Poem.

This was an activitiy that reflected to the class, that where ever we are in the country and world, there are always special people and places that are Turangawaewae to somenone.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Working in The Library

              Carmen and Eden in a quiet section of the library bays.
                                                                                                     Vicky, quietly focused. 
      Adrien, very relaxed and delving deeply into his magazine.
                                                                         Max, intent on his conversation with a mate.

      Elizabeth starting out on a new novel.  Soon the book will  be
     devoured and discussed with her friends.
                                                               Brooke and Kataraina, oblivious to the rest
                                                                    of the world around them.

      Melissa coming to the end of her choice of book.

Ollie right into his book.
      Callum just breaking into his book for the week.

DIfferent Learning Methods Used in room 17 So Far This Year

Striking Out With Strike

Last week, a group called Strike captivated the whole school.  Eyes were at the front, taking in all that was being played, said, slapped, hit and strummed. It was a loud, exciting, enthralling occasion.  KK, Jimbo and       kept us all entertained for the whole session.

Strike engaging the audience by 'Making Rain.'  It is amazing how sounds can be made!

Later on in the morning, Room 17 took part in a workshop with ...............  who taught us all how to use drums to entertain and enjoy.  Lola, who already had some expertise, also helped others to learn how to hit the drum and keep to the rhythm.
                                             Ollie was right into action here.

Room 17 right into action after about a 20 minute lesson.  They were really impressive!

Energising to Recharge The Brain and Body

After a heavy session of work in Room 17, the students want to dance and sing.  We do that to video clips on Youtube.  This enables us to energise and move oxygen around our bodies.

Afterwards, there is a distinctly different feeling and we are ready to start on the next session of work.

In this session we are dancing to a screen that has four dancers who are moving differently to the others.  We chose one of them to follow throughout the song, hence the reason why some of us are doing totally different moves to other people.

In this video we are activating ourselves to  One Direction  What makes you beautiful

Friday 24 March 2017

Knot Tying Practice Before Camp

As part of the preparation for camp, we needed to know how to tie knots so that our rafts would stay together as we floated down stream.  This was noisy experience as students got frustrated with the process of following directions using a diagrams rather than words. 

Desks, chairs, arms and legs were used in order to get the knots tied correctly. There were cheers when the knot was finally tied and held tight.
Ruby, determined to complete the note.
Tiffany and Riley, both amazed that they achieved their goal of an accurate set of knots.
                                                Success at last for Eva!

           Lewis using his desk to hold his knots.
Hmmm, what do I do next?

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Room 17's Thoughts About What People Wanted to get From the Treaty of Waitangi

Room 17’s Thoughts about What People Wanted to Get From the Treaty of Waitangi

Sealers and Whalers
Settlers and Farmers
  • Peace
  • Land for the iwi
  • Use of the forests, waterways and land for their farming and to live on
  • Wanted to own their land
  • Have weapons
  • Have the fighting stop
  • Protection
  • Rights to have their land to use it as they had done so before the settlers arrived
  • Technology in the form of tools
  • Education - have schools built
  • Money
  • Animals to farm and eat
  • Keep their ancestral lands
  • Fairness
  • Trading rights
  • To be allowed to kill seals and whales without being stopped
  • Sell goods that they may have bought
  • Money from the skins, meat and oil
  • To be successful
  • To create a mini home - England and Scotland
  • Have a fresh start in life
  • Sell their crops
  • Have rights to the land
  • To have a fair trade for the land
  • To have rights to trade and sell their goods
  • Land was cheap for them
  • Set up companies to help buy land
Missionaries and the Church
British Government
Traders and Shopkeepers
  • The Maori to become Christians
  • To teach the Maori to read and write in English
  • The Maoris to work for them
  • To help the Maori to become more like them
  • To expand the British empire
  • To exploit the Maori
  • Wanted control of the land
  • Wanted resources
  • Since their people were here, they thought they were in control
  • To own land
  • Money from their businesses
  • Trading rights
  • Trade guns for meat and flax
  • Sell alcohol
  • Wanted fights to stop as it disrupted their shops
  • Sell their  goods to settlers
  • Make a profit
  • Their shops to be protected

After focusing on the Treaty of Waitangi and reading a range of resources, Room 17 students came up with these ideas about what they thought people living in Aotearoa/New Zealand before 1840, wanting from the Treaty.

Examples of Camp Goals

Prior to going to camp, each student was asked to create their goals for the experience. 
One of the criteria was to present their work in a visual format designed to hook their viewer in.
Below some examples that have done exactly that.
Thank you to Drew, Riordan, Eva and Connor.

Eva's camp goals.

Connor's aims for the camp
Riordan's aim for his camp experiences.

Testing Our Raincoats For Waterproofing Before Camp

 As part of the preparation for camp, the students needed to have their raincoats checked to see if there were waterproof. We had to do this as there was a very good chance that we would experience rain, (As it was, we did, in a rather disruptive way, but nothing that we could not cope with.)

Not many people could say that they deliberately stood under a hose to test raincoats before.

Every raincoat that was tested, came through with flying colours.  That looked good for any wet weather that we may have met.

Max, awaiting the 'rain'., hoping that he wouldn't get too wet.   
A wet looking group of students, waiting for the drops to run off them before they checked to see if their PE gear was wet underneath.

                                                                                       Awaiting a blast from the hose.

       Carmen, awaiting her expected deluge from the hose.

Working in the Outoor Classroom in the Treemendous Garden

As part of our literacy programme, we were learning to write metaphors.  We went out to the Treemendous Garden, sat and listened to the sounds around us.

We then returned to the classroom to write the sounds as metaphors. The results were very impressive, reflecting the new skills the students learnt.
 Roksolana listening with purpose.

      Ashlee intent on listing what she had heard.

        Focused with a purpose.

    Ruby, in a contemplative mode.

Friday 17 March 2017

Eating Out at Camp

 We dined extremely well at camp. The parents created riveting  rolls, cheese toasters for miles, satisfying breakfasts along with neverending morning and afternoon teas.

The students cooked their own meals on the Thursday night. There were many satisfied smiles as a result of their efforts. Some people, had to have the leftovers from other groups, as their meals were a little ( or in one case, very badly) burnt. Their mates helped them out.

No one went hungry!!!

Thursday 16 March 2017

George Nepia Research

Room 17 had to find out more about their house namesake.  It needed to be presented as a one-page format to explain what made George Nepia, the man that he was.  Makenzie has done a great job for one of the first real research tasks of the year.

Although he was an All Black, he was a man who believed strongly in the importance of being right.
He gave up rugby because of this belief, which reflects the value that we hope Nepia Year 8 students also aim to hold.
  • persistence
  • stamina
  • being humble
  • honest
  • sincere
  • standing behind their beliefs
  • acceptance of differences.

Makenzie shared this with us.

Ollie created his work on George Nepia as a  presentation.

Ruby shared her research and presented it in a different format.

Thank you Mckenzie, Ollie and Ruby.

Developing our Writing via Youtube

Room 17 students are taking part in the Warehouse Stationery 'Get New Zealand Writing programme. We are going to be creating a combined class poem that contains unusual and interesting facts like the number of people in the class who can roll their tongues, waggle their ears or lick their elbows.

We are also going to create a puzzle that will contain metaphors we will be writing about ourselves. 

We will be sharing it with Year 8 students from Mount Pleasant School in Christchurch and they will be sending us their combined poem as well.

As part of our learning, we watched videos to help us get some ideas that endorse our thinking. 
This Youtube video helps to back up our understanding of metaphors which we are using in our writing of descriptive passages about ourselves.

This is one of the videos that informs us about metaphors.


Room 17 EPro8 Teams

 Ruby and Max participated in teams in the EPro8 Competition at school on Thursday.  Two Year 7 and 8 students were included in each team.
Together they had to create a structure/ solve a problem and compete against the clock in order to do so.  There was some valuable learning as a result of taking part in this activity.

Ruby's team was called HNI Glass Smashers.

 Max's team was the HNI Mad Scientists.

Ruby's team in action building a bridge.
There was a need for everyone to share their ideas and discuss outcomes before they began to form their ideas.

Max's team working together towards their goal.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Room 17 Class Councillors and the Sport Captains Receiving Their Strips

On February 24, the Class Councillors and Sports Captains received their strips from Ms Beaumont.

It was a very proud moment for the recipients, parents and teachers alike.
The Room 17 Class Councillors are Fletcher and Makenzie. The Sports Captains are Ella and Riley.

They hold this role for two terms, then another group of students carry on the responsibilities.

They are very important roles within the class, house and school.  Already, there have been occasions where they have had to stand tall to represent Room 17 in a range of ways.

We look forward to seeing them develop and mature while carrying out important responsibilities for Room 17, Nepia and HNI.

Congratulations Fletcher, Makenzie, Ella and Riley.

Nepia House Councillors and Captains, just after receiving their strips.