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Thursday 16 March 2017

George Nepia Research

Room 17 had to find out more about their house namesake.  It needed to be presented as a one-page format to explain what made George Nepia, the man that he was.  Makenzie has done a great job for one of the first real research tasks of the year.

Although he was an All Black, he was a man who believed strongly in the importance of being right.
He gave up rugby because of this belief, which reflects the value that we hope Nepia Year 8 students also aim to hold.
  • persistence
  • stamina
  • being humble
  • honest
  • sincere
  • standing behind their beliefs
  • acceptance of differences.

Makenzie shared this with us.

Ollie created his work on George Nepia as a  presentation.

Ruby shared her research and presented it in a different format.

Thank you Mckenzie, Ollie and Ruby.

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