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Sunday 30 April 2017

This Term's Reading Programme Goes International

Part of the reading programme this term involves the students building up their reading mileage. Every student will have opportunities to read material of their choice and record the distance equivalent to the time they have read. The aim is to go around the world as many times as they can.
There will be rewards at stake at various intervals as well.

Our visit to the Havelock North Library in Week 2 will help to widen the range of genre, authors and types of resources available for anyone to read.
Read, read, read. 
The more you read, 
the more you know. 
The more you know, 
the more you grow,
So, read, read, read.
Dr Suess

Thursday 27 April 2017

Room 17's Zentangle Art Works

Our Zentangle art work finally came together during the last week of term. It took a long time to bring it together as the background designs were very detailed as in some cases.

The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.
Almost anyone can use it to create images and designs. It is said to increase focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of personal well being, according to an Internet definition. 
The Zentangle Method is enjoyed all over this world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages.
Our group creation featured a message that only developed clearly when the art works were placed on the wall.  The message reflected our theme for Term 1. It says, 'Different individuals valuing each other regardless of skin, intellect, talents or years.'
The art works can be viewed individually by going to each student's blogs.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

How Many Students Can be Found in a Square Metre?

Room 17 students squeezed themselves into a square metre. We managed to get 14 students crammed into the space with lots of smiles.  A fun way to give the idea of a square metre.

We then estimated what a cubic metre looked like and created one with metre rulers. 

Wednesday 19 April 2017

'Bigs' In New Zealand.

As part of ourTurangawaewae research, each student was asked to find out about some of the 'Big' statues or artworks around New Zealand.  They needed to find out where they were sited, what they mean and how they tie into New Zealand's history.
Below are three examples of the methods used to present their findings.

Ella's Postcard setting for her 'Bigs'.

Ollie set his work out using a Google Presentation.         Thank you, Ruby, Ella, Daniella and Ollie.

Daniella, also used a poster format for her research work.
Ruby has also used a Google Presentation with her work as well.

Camp Experiences

Learning how to use the bow and arrow in preparation for the games at camp.  This was one of the activities set up while the skies opened up above  us and kept us at school for part of our first day of camp.

Eva stretching for the next toe hold.

Reaching for the roof.

Experiencing the swing of abseiling on the way down.

Being aware of life saving procedures was just one of the rotation of activities  carried out at camp.
Here Lola and Eva are setting up a defibrillator to save the 'patient'.

Testing for the area on the ear lobe where you pinch in order to check to see if a patient is awake or alert.

Oliver being tested to see if his PFD fits him!

Kataraina and Paradise chilling out as they float through the first set of 'rapids'!

Roksolana starting on her burger.

Another meal!!!  We seemed to have lots of them.
All packed up and ready to go back home.  A great experience near the end.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Eating the Results of a Food Tech Session

As part of Food Tech, the class had to plan and create a healthy burger.  
They also had to design a box that would carry their burger.  
Here, Ella, Ruby, Callam, Drew and Tiffany, get to eat the fruits of their labours.  By the look of the faces, they were all enjoying the outcomes of their efforts.

Daniella and Renee appreciate their cooking efforts.

Roksolana balancing out the tomato
on her burger bun.

                                                       Danielle beginning to lay out the lettuce
                                                       ready for her meat pattie.

                                                                                                           Ollie waiting in expectation of the
                                                                                                            meat layer of his burger.
    Riordan awaiting the judge (Ms Bassett).

Looking slightly apprehensive, Callum awaits Ms Bassett to cast her eyes and tastebuds over his efforts with his burger and paperwork.
                          Jonathan stands proudly behind his burger awaiting his work to be judged.

Monday 3 April 2017

Mount Pleasant School's Shared Response to Room 17

   A weekend after we had sent our shared work to Mount Pleasant School, we were really excited to receive theirs.

 There were a lot of comparisons made between the two samples of work, especially their class size.   Our sibling numbers were double theirs, but as someone in Room 17 noted, they had a lot less people in their class so that could be the reason for that.

Learning about a class of Year 8 students who were outside the doors of our classroom, helped to endorse the concept of Turangawaewae we have been working on this term.
Knowing that people were working on the same task as we were also endorsed the ideas that although we were a distance away, we were still very similar and different to the students at Mount Pleasant School.

Measurement Find Out

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