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Tuesday 1 August 2017

Our Feet, Ready to Move!!!

Our cute little footprints will be in motion tomorrow as we all tally up the distances and times that we have moved over the past 1 1/2 weeks of training and fitness activities.

The students have the following motivation for their steps to move all over the mountains.

Your challenge is to climb all of the 10 mountain peaks.  You do that by either covering a range of distances over the training sessions we have for the Cross Country season.
1100m = 2 ‘feet’
20 minute ‘huff and puff’ session = 1 foot print

You start at the lowest peak and then climb the mountains in the order of the height, working your way to the final goal - Climbing Mt Cook! When you have reached the summit (flag), you have completed the challenge.  Well done!!!

If you want to extend yourself, you can run back by drawing a circle around each shaded ‘foot’.
You can include the ‘huff and puff’ games and activities during the week as well as the longer endurance running.

At the end of the training sessions you will have covered a range of distances,  extended your stamina and endurance as well as improved your fitness.

Go Hard and go there!!!

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