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Wednesday 23 August 2017

The Final Call Before Starting Their Cross Country Race

The wind is blowing, tension is high and the students wait to be called to the warm up site. 

Once there, they straighten their bent legs which have been twisted into place while sitting, waiting for two or three other races to have the whistle blow for the start. 

Calls to go to the starting line, the twinges of discomfort are long forgotten as the limbs are tensed, ready to fire.

The familiar paths, streets and trees rush by and the creek bed becomes a snake to race alongside.  Stomping up the last set of steps which become Mt Everest to then have the last slope in sight.  
Heavy breathing accompanies the longer strides down the gentle hillside and things become easier and hard, both at the same time. Ankles complain, chests scream, throats burn and the desire for water overwhelms the runners while they gasp loudly at each lumbering breath.

The last corner appears into view; secret delights enter the runners' minds that this will be the last time for the torturous runs. No more breathing made up of steam, screaming lungs or tired stomping of feet on frozen grass.

The home straight opens up and the thought of no more cross country training  is a delightfully pleasant one....and the sense of satisfaction kicks in, I did it!

...until next year!

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