My Blog List

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Room 1's Recycled Art

Displaying PicCollageAs part of the sustainablity unit we have been carrying out, we decided to create pieces of art works by recycling materials we had at home or school.  We had two weeks of designing, creating, redesigning and recreating.

The results were amazing in that every group of individual came up with completely different ideas and outcomes.  They ranged from insects created with bike chains, owls, paper bag masks, insect light bulbs, cardboard tanks, branch mobiles, wire netting men and cats, the results were impressive.  See out blogs for our self assessments.

There was an incredible amount of learning and sense of satisfaction when the results were achieved.  Well done Room 1 students; you are all great sculpters/creaters/designers/makers.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Regan in action at the super Six Athletics competition

Regan and Georgia took part in the SuperSix Athletics competition with some great results.  Regan is stretching out to take off here in the relay race.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Regan, Jack and Georgia's Sustainability Rap.

Another of the class raps.  Sit back, listen and enjoy.  Consider what actions you need to do!

A Sustainability Rap by Sam, Thomas, Tom and Jessica

As part of our literacy and inquiry  work, the class wrote raps in small groups about the theme of sustainability.  They used Patatap as the music in the background of their rap.  The children had to create their  music to match with their rap.  This is the result of one group's efforts.

Our next steps are to come up with a cover page to add to the final presentation.

Monday 17 November 2014

Working with colons

Today we learnt about colons and how to use them.  We watched this You tube video clip to give us some examples as well as some information on how to use them.  We also became aware that American punctuation can be different to ours as we use the British form.

Friday 7 November 2014

Ioane and Regan's Mustelid PicCollage

After carrying out research about the mustelids that were brough into New Zealand, Ioane and Regan created thier PicCollage with details about the pests we now have in New Zealand.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Visitors To Room 1 last week

Displaying photo 3.JPG
Last week as part of our reading, one group of studetnts were looking at the effects of mustelids being brought into New Zealand to keep control of rabbits.  Stoats, weasels and ferrets liked this country so much that they stopped hunting the rabbits they were brought out  here for, to devour our kiwi, their eggs, weta, native frogs and other small lizards.  The result of that was that they are now the pest and we have now to find ways to get rid of the mustelids.    The visitors, from left to right are: the weasel, ferret, partly obscured and the stoat.  They came from DoC for a few days.  Luckily, they are stuffed and will not kill any more kiwi.

Looking at Unsustainable Practices around the world

Our Beginning Thinking about Sustainability.

At the beginning of the term, we brainstormed what unsustainable practices might be.  We then, worked in groups with a picture of something that was not positive for our environment.  We considered four categories while thinking about the pictures: environmental, social, cultural and economic perspectives.   Our thinking led to a wide range of ideas and the next thing we need to do is to think about something that was common to all of them in one way or another.

These are our charts as they appear on the classroom wall.

Hamish sharing his speech with Hillary House

Hamish prepared a speech about the Independence Games. Has has participated in them over the past few years. His speech was instead of a debate presentation which the rest of the class participated in last term. There were some very persuasive presentations from Scottish Independence, Plastic Bags Should be Banned, Zoos Should be Banned and Cats Should be Contained in their own Properties.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Welcome back toTerm 4! 
The summer uniforms are dusted and ready for their last airing in 2014. 
The students have arrived back eager to meet their mates and catch up on the last two weeks of holidays.
Lots of questions were asked: 
'Where am I sitting?'
'Can I get more gold points this term?'
'How was the holiday?  Did you go away?'
'What are we 'doing' this term?

We are focusing on a theme of inquiry based on: Building a Sustainable Future
Our global learning intention is: How are our decisions and actions affecting earth's resources and our future?

The diagram below is the basis of the approach that we intend to utilise. Watch this space!


Sunday 21 September 2014

Environmental Action Elective snaps

Just some views of the students in action throughout term 3's elective:Environmental Action.

We Won!!!!!

We helped our school WIN!!!!!

Room 1 were part of a small group of classrooms who gave their ideas to Mrs Bassett to help her to complete the application form for the TREEmendous makeover competition.  

The 'student voice' was an important part of the process as we shared our ideas to show that we saw were key in the designs.  We also gave feedback as to what the next generation of students might want to see being included in their school environment.   

We are part of a group of Change Makers who have started the process of the TREEmendous makeover for HNI.

Although the makeover won't be starting until 2015, we are all delighted to be part of the first steps.

Way to go Room 1!!!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tellagami for using persuasive language to sell a product

WALT: create a radio advertisement that will hook a listener through the ideas being spoken and the format I have used. It will be 30 seconds long.
My radio advertisement is about a blender, I chose this product because everyday juicers and blenders doesn't work any more and easily breaks. 

This is MJ's work using the Tellagami app to present his persuasive ideas in an oral format.  It is another way to show the thinking that goes into a radio advertisement.  The students needed to use modality as well to emphasize the key words and phrases in order to catch the listener's attention. 

Georgia's Sell a Story - Wonder Book Trailer

As part of our reading programme, each student was assked to create a book trailer to advertise the book they had just finished reading. Some studetns chose to do a Prezi, Wevideo, I-Movie, Flipagram, Powtoon and Camtasia. The results were very impressive. Goergia's was just an example of one. The Walt was: to persuade someone to read the book after viewing the book trailer.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Room 1 Mufti Day - 70s, 80s and 90s attire.

We are standing in front of one of the walls Room 1 students have painted as part of the work Mr jordan carried out with the class. After looking at grafitti and street art, every student created a stencil that could be spray painted onto a wall.  These are just some of them.  Certainly beats having a blank wall in the playground.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Getting into action with line dancing with Hillary House.

As part of the PE programme we are learning a range of social, folk and line dances. There is a lot of movement, laughter and enjoyment while in action. We have learnt about eight dances in preparation for the social in term 4.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

An updated and improved version of our class Padlet.

After viewing our first Padlet of the term, it was decided that Room 1 had to reconsider what they had written and how they had presented it. The second Padlet reflected deeper thinking and consideration of their ideas. Enjoy seeing how work improves and progresses in Room 1.

Monday 18 August 2014

Environmental Action Elective Concentration

Mustaine is part of the Environmental Action elective.  He is potting up a lancewood seedling which is going to spend the next couple of seasons in the shade house until it is mature enough to plant out.

Mustaine is part of a programme that is focussing on developing an area of native trees within the school grounds.  Together, his group has been pricking out, potting up and will soon be planting natives on the banks of Te Karamu Stream.  This. Is buildings up on being Change Makers within the community.

Our New Garden Area: Nature Wall

Room 1 is working towards a competition for a garden transformation at Havelock North Intermediate. We have been working with Ms Bassett to set up the winning entry for a $10 000 make over for the public walkway area on the field. As part of the process, we have been submitting our ideas for places, gear, walkways, plants, features that we would all like to see in the garden area. This Padlet is part of the Student Voice that is also being added to the entry. We had to consider what the garden would do to inspire our thinking, our perspective as to what the garden area could give us and the effects of working within it. Have a read and see if you consider the same points as the class.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Cross Country Readiness

The annual HNI School cross country is nearly upon us.  Room 1 have spent the last four weeks training (some students both at home and school).  Goals have been set and times have been closely watched.

There are a few injuries keeping some people at bay from running; they will be our No 1 supporters on Friday.

There is a healthy degree of competition amongst the class to keep the yellow Hillary banner at the top of the wall in the hall.

Go Hillary!!!!

Molly's Beyond Honours Project

 Molly has spent much of the year focussing on developing an awareness of Canteen and what it does for young people who have cancer.  She is also considering the effect cancer has on the siblings of patients.

After thinking about that, she decided to share her knowledge with other students at HNI through her Beyond Honours Project.

She has made 50 goodie bags from canteen bandanas and distributed them among the classes at HNI.  She has asked students to bring along treats and goodies that would help to make a cancer patient or their siblings day.

Room 1 have filled two bags already and begun on a third one. 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

2014 Science Fair Outline for Room 1 Students.

Room 1 Science Fair Timeline 2014

Week  7    Term 2
Giving out of information regarding the science fair projects

Week  8    Term 2
Fair testing in class
Discussion of the processes involved in setting up a science fair project

End of   Week  8
Students should have their idea in mind for their project and beginning to consider their steps ahead.
They should have decided if it is to be a science or technological plan.
Start the science fair research to back up ideas for the project.

Holidays/Term 3
 Students must have started the project.

Week 2 of the holidays
Start to draw your conclusions and analyse and summarise your findings/outcomes.

Write up your findings.  Follow the steps you have seen in the Science Room on the boards as well as the forms you have received from your teacher.  You have the steps emailed to you as well.

Week 1 Term 3
Bring your completed work to school along with your notebook and samples. 

Ms Hawtin and your classroom teacher will be judging the Room 1 entries.

The top three place getters will be entered into the HNI Science Fair competition.
 August 6
The HNI Science Fair judging will be carried out.

August 15

HB Science Fair judging will be carried out.

Friday 13 June 2014

Finding where the body's organs go.

Room 1 spent a fun session placing where organs went in our bodies, then  researching to find out what function these parts actually did within the body.  There was a lot of laughter while carrying this activity out.  We learnt  so much about our incredible human body.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Group AA kicking off their French Toast creating

A very tasty looking breakfast or brunch for the weekend.  I hope that parents of these students get an opportunity to taste it on the weekend!  Bon appetit!

Omelette Making with group AA in Food Tech.

It is no wonder the students arrive back into the classroom with satisfied looks on their faces after Food Technology sessions.

Sunday 8 June 2014

The Incredible Human Body

We watched and sang to this You tube clip as an introduction to a task that the children are going to carry out in groups for inquiry.

As Mr Stove always says, 'The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else,' so is the class.  Each group is going to be finding out about one body system and sharign their finding with the class, to teach everyone else.

We are looking forward to the results and our new learning.

Monday 26 May 2014

Static Electricity!

Group BB were testing static electricity with pushes, pulling, lifting and attracting a range of materials in science recently.

Salt, pepper, beer cans, gelatine crystals, paper and water were some of the materials tested with attractive results.

Some things hit the roof, others did not get off the floor, but there was a lot of sticking things together.

Great learning is going on in science.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Room 1's Students Accolades

Greer won a silver medal for her pizza ain the Central REgions Salon Culinaire run by the NZ Chefs Association at EIT on Sunday.     She competed in the Innovative Pizza class which was open to Year 8 to 10 students.  She made a pizza using Posey Pizza bread and Watties chopped tomatoes.  They got to choose their pizza toppings and she made an Italian one called Italiano Delizzo.  She was really pleased about her award but unhappy that she had chopped her finger and had to wear a fancy blue plaster to cover up the blood.     
Congratulations Greer!

Jess was part of a dance team 'The Blow Your Mind Crew' who came first at the Hawke's Bay Dance Festival.

Congratulations to you Jess, for your part of  a great team.

Molly has been selected as a member of the Hawke's Bay Year 8 girls Rep team.  Well done Molly.  You have a busy season ahead of you.

Regan was part of the HNI Cross Country team who came first.  He also received an award for being the fastest runner as well. 

Well done Regan. 

Thursday 15 May 2014

The Graffiti Wall for our focus for this term: Our Incredible Human Body.

Each student had to research and find an unusual or gruesome but incredible fact about human bodies and present it in a graffiti font for the brick wall in the classroom.  There are some amazing facts that they have discovered. 

Some students chose to write in a graffiti format, others used a font they downloaded.  They had to search a suitable form of presentation so that their work had impact on the wall. 

They then had to ask a question and present it also in a graffiti format.  The question had to be an open one. It will the basis of a research task that they will be carrying out next week.  There will be some incredible learning and sharing as a resuit of what they will find out.  

Many people have been in to view their work and think it looks great!

Check out the student's blogs to see their fact and question close up.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Welcome back to Term 2

 The first week flew with lots of catching up with mates, finding out what we were going to be focussing on for the term and settling back into routines. 

The Kapa Haka group had a great trip to the Municipal Theatre to see Secondary school in action. The feedback was really positive with lots of ' Now I know what I want to get to' comments. 

The photos below show concentration in action. They were finding out what were goosebumps and why we get them.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Class Tekoteko from a fun maths/art activity

Ruma Tahi’s symmetrical tekoteko designs.
We were focusing on creating symmetrical designs using a poupou panels as motivation.

We had seen carvings in the wharenui at Matahiwi Marae which we also discussed as we created these art works.

Friday 11 April 2014

Our Class Banner

This is Ruma Tahi's, Room Ones class banner. We choose six of the best banners designed by our students to paint the banner. The banner had to represent Kotahitanga, Unity.
Kia Ora and welcome to Ruma Tahi’s banner presentation. I’m Felicity.                           And I’m Sam. Down at the bottom of our banner are all the nationalities that our class represents and this shows kotahitanga, how unique our class is. The countries include UK, South Africa, China, France, New Zealand and the Philippines.
The two hands down the bottom of the banner represents unity in our class and how we work together. In the middle sector are all our curriculum areas including reading, writing, maths, music and all the sport, this just shows how much our class loves it.
At the top of the banner the hands represent our classes uniqueness and individuality whilst also coming together to be the winning class of Ruma Tahi. The computer is our taonga, the center of our learning. We are in a digital class.The prominent background colour shows that we belong to to Hillary house. The colours on the word ruma represent the 4 houses of HNI coming together as 1. The word GOTAR is our class motto and means “go on take a risk.” In our class we are all ako’s, we are all learning together.The intertwining pattern holding the banner together is like whakawhanaungatanga, getting to know each other. It is green to represent the colour of growth, our earth and prosperity. The kowhaiwhai patterns separating the sectors of our banner represents tu pono puno, tranquility, spirit and well being. Thankyou for listening and Ka Kite Ano.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Hanging out to abseil

Group Tarawera were just waiting for their call to abseil down a 22m cliff face into the vent of a volcano.  The lake was really picturesque in that the sky's reflection greeted the children as they walked towards the barriers between them and the edge of the precipice.
The bird life was wonderful in that it was almost the only sound to be heard, apart from shrills of childrens' voices.

For many of the class, this was the highlight of camp, plus the fact that they achieved one of their goals of going backwards down a cliff face.

Monday 7 April 2014

Kayaking at Lakes Ranch

Starting out and fresh... 

Gettng into line...

Still getting into line!

Mason assessing where to go next.
Racing to the other side of the lake.

Wait for me!

Just Cruising!

Sizing up the day now.
Churning up the water now.

Going, going, gone!

A new method of communicating!
Line up there!  Ms Moratti checking out the straight line.

Go Emily!  Walking across the sterns.
On her way.

She did it!

Tough Gal, tough Guy Challenge at Lake's Ranch camp. Go through the link to see a range of photos of children in action.

Group BB's first science lesson

Monday 17 March 2014

Week 6: Softball coaching sessions with Grant from Softball Hawke's Bay

Paige sneaking off to base 3 while the fielders are watching
for the next ball to come flying towards them.
Peter, MJ and Regan watching for the ball to be returned
into the diamond.

Ioane watching the ball to connect with his bat!

Jacob home while the ball is still well out on the field of play.