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Thursday 10 December 2015

Completing a Mystery Story

After Ms Moratti had read most of a story called 'The Boy at the Door', the students had to write how they thought it would end. We had been looking at the concepts of a narrative using the mystery elements found in this genre.

Jaime has included them in her story ending and then left her reader up in the air...waiting.

Walt: add details to explain and finish the mystery.

I looked at his face which gazed longingly at the hidden box. “Who are you?” I demanded. Yet again he seemed to ignore me. I just stared now, needing to know what he wanted, why he was here, who he was. He stepped closer, I still hadn’t heard a noise from him. Another step, he was almost above me. I wanted to scream, to run but an invisible force held me in place. The weight of it was crushing me, compressing me into a small ball. The boy stepped closer, so close I should of been able to hear his breath. But his breath was not present. But now I couldn’t breath, the pressure was unbearable.

Cool air hit my lungs. I woke up gasping. My mind was fuzzy, but images of that boy still lingered. My breathing steadied and I found myself checking the toys. But something was wrong. Something was different and I couldn’t tell what. Edging away from the box I saw that the box had moved. It definitely wasn’t there before. It might of only moved 10cm but I know that I didn’t put it there. My hand reached out to open the box slowly creeping towards it, my curiosity running wild.

A floorboard creaked somewhere close and my head darted up to scan the area. No one was there, just an empty room cast shadows. I looked at my surroundings, just a plain room, a room you could see in just about any house. Out the corner of my eye something moved, a blur bouncing around in the shadows.

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