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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Nepia Day Out at the Havelock North Pools

On the last Friday of the year, Nepia House all walked to the village for a day of leisure. After  seeing the movie 'Goosebumps,' we all spent the afternoon having a great deal of fun, cooling off in the Havelock North Pools.  We had a pizza lunch delivered to sustain us and then the afternoon was ours.  It was a great way to enjoy ourselves while spending the time with our mates.

Just hanging about...Charlotte, Pippa, Robyn and friend,

Jaime, about to go!
Ready, steady... go!

Sapphire, about to make the big splash!

Jack, readying himself to jump in.

Jesse, on the steps of depth!

A sea of arms and legs all in action for the floating boards.

The girls having successfully achieved 'ownership,' for a short while.

Hannah and Allyssa cooling off in out of the sun.

Kayla and mates recharging themselves near the end of the afternoon.

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