My Blog List

Sunday 18 December 2016

This is it! The end of another busy school year.

We have come to the end of a very busy year in Room 17! I would like to wish all the students moving on to Year 9 all the best in their next steps ahead.  I hope that you take on board some Growth mindset concepts and remember to GOTAR.

Thank you to all the parents who have been involved in and supported the learning that went on in Room 17.  Your child gained from you doing so.

I appreciated all of the back up from parents with their children as well as the input into helping Room 17's programme happen.  This ranged from assisting with school trips, getting information quickly back to school, helping to get speakers, resources and information to help the learning grow.

Many thanks again.

Enjoy your holiday with your children.

Valerie Moratti

Prizegiving Awards from Room 17

Our final prizegiving ceremony was held on Friday and these students received awards for their effort and achievements.
Congratulations to them all.

Congratulations to these students for their Rongokako Awards:

Congratulations to these students for their Excellence Awards:

Congratulations to these students for their Cultural Awards:

Congratulations to these students for their Sports Award:

Thursday 15 December 2016

The First Photo Repeated During the Last week

With lots of changes, additions and absences, Room 17 in it's last pose.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Rewriting Christmas Carols Thanks to Air New Zealand

The original

Nav and Lachlan created this Tellagami as a take off of the Air New Zealand advertisement with Ronan Keating and  Julian Dennison.

Bailey and Caitlyn with their version of Jingle Bells.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Social Snaps!!!

The faces say it all!!!
A great night had by all!!!

LEARNZ Reading Activity

As part of the LEARNZ programme, one group explained their understanding the work of the early Antarctic explorers and scientists and compared that to the scientists and environmentalists who work in Antarctica today. They did so in a graphic organiser called a Fishbone Diagram.
Here Nav and Bailey have shown what they have found out and created a comparison of the two different groups of people who have worked in the coldest, driest and windiest place in the world.


Adam's Penguin Facts

After reading about animals found in Antarctica, Adam created this presentation.

Beach Ed Day Feedback from Room 17 Students

After the Beach Ed day, Room 17 had the opportunity to give feedback to the organisers of the event. Their points also validated the experience as well as give further thoughts into planning the next  one. Student voice is a valid part of planning and the carrying out events within the school and class programmes.

PMI for Beach Ed Day  Room 17 Students
We didn’t do any work that day.
In the groups I wasn’t put with my friends.
The IRB= Inflatable Rescue Boat
It was enjoyable.
The people who didn’t want to swim were getting board. They should have an activity to do.
What IRB: Inflatable Rescue Boat means
They taught us how to be safe at the beach in a fun and interactive way.
It felt like we were just following instructions and listening.
Learning the 10 rules for the beach
We learnt how to rescue people.
We could have done more swimming.
Learning about their radio channel: 69
We learnt how to have fun safely.
We could have gone to a better beach.
Would like to see the kneeboard done it action
We learnt how to save our own life.
More challenging activities

Having an opportunity to go swimming
Not seeing what they do in water (for real)

Playing basketball in between breaks
Having more challenges and relays

Learning about their radio channel: 69
The water was cold

Learnt the safety rules for that beach
Could have been a better beach

Got to see the life saving equipment
Taught things we already knew

Some people enjoyed it
Would be good to see some of the boards and equipment in action

Having the opportunity to go swimming, learning about the waves and beach rules.
We should have the opportunity to have turn on the IRB.

Learning about their radio channel 69
The lifeguards should have tried some medical items on one of us.

Everybody had fun

Report Writing

This term we have been learning how to write information reports. We have looked at a range of examples of newspaper articles and items online and then used the criteria we learned, so as to create our own.

How Much Damage Has The Earthquake 7.5 Magnitude Left?Image result for 7.5 magnitude earthquake NZ map

The 7.5 magnitude earthquake on 14 November on early monday morning in Culverden New Zealand. It left people with no houses electricity, food, water. Roads were ripped, there were destroyed buildings. Which meant some business had to be closed.

Roads Damaged
Roads have been completely damaged or blocked by slips in Canterbury and Marlborough making it even more difficult for services to help people that are stranded or hurt.
Trains and ferries have been shut down because of all the damage. A slip near Kaikoura has blocked State highway 1 and has pushed the railings out of place.

Two people have died after the earthquake one died after the Elms Homestead was completely destroyed and the other died in a property at Mt Lyford from a heart attack. Some people are still missing after this massive earthquake.

Ruined business
Because of the closer of state highway 1 a cafe in cheviot is not getting any customers and are wondering how they will survive.
With the same reason a farmer in Kaikoura has excess milk because government are not allowing milk trucks to come on state highway 1 because of the damage and the farmer is having to let the milk down the liquid waste. But the farmer says “That if they can get fuel tankers in they should be able to at least let milk trucks because they are the same weight,”    
Help on the way
The Ministry Of Civil Defence & Emergency Management and other services have been helping people after the earthquake’s extraordinary damage.

The Ministry Of Civil Defence & Emergency Management are trying to open small businesses in Kaikoura, Cheviot, Waiau, Rotherham, Mt Lyford and Ward, who felt a really big shake from the earthquake. They will also will be giving money to the people who  will be running the businesses that have been opened.

This Earthquake has left a lot of damage, destroyed business, ripped and blocked roads, left people without homes, food or water.
Thankfully The Ministry Of Civil Defence & Emergency Management have helped to repair some damages and have been trying to open some small business. Their work will be continuing for a few more weeks.  

For more information go to:
Deaths and disasters

Business ruined


Earthquake Report

Kaikoura Earthquake
Houses, roads and businesses have been destroyed due to the huge 7.5 magnitude earthquake that struck Culverden but shook the whole country on Monday the 14th of November at precisely 12:03am.

Just a fraction of the major damage from the earthquake.

Residents of Kaikoura have been evacuated and are now safe and sound. A tsunami warning was issued and there was predicted to be waves of up to 2 metres in height but 24 hours later was dismissed.

Huge Amount of Damage
There has been a huge amount of damage to the country but Wellington, Culverden and Kaikoura have especially weathered the worst. Volunteers and Civil Defence workers have started to clear the rubble. The Wellington CBD has been closed until further notice due to the amount of broken objects that are hazardous to people.

Fortunately there have only been two deaths. One person was trapped under rubble and was crushed. The other had an earthquake related heart attack. It was just fortunate that the earthquake happened in the middle of the night and not in the middle of the day when everyone was outside.


Kaikoura Earthquake?
What Happened in the Kaikoura Earthquake 2016?

Monday 14th November, at around
00:02 was when it struck. Kaikoura’s
many buildings came crashing down.
Two lives were lost, one from a
building collapsing and another from
a heart attack, also one person was
injured from the collapsation.

“There was rubble everywhere”
one woman stated. “The road had
been lifted along with the ground
a-and the houses had just… fallen
apart... I honestly didn’t think I
would make it!” a man cried.

Along with many frightened people,
the buildings had turned into dust and
ash. Throughout the quake, there had
been 16 robberies. The quake was a
7.5 along with four aftershocks: Two
6.5’s, one 6.0 and one 5.6. According
to scientists, the Pacific plate had
collided with the Australian plate, which
caused the massive earthquake. Along
with the big quake, a tsunami warning
spread throughout New Zealand. All
the people living near a beach had to
be ushered to higher grounds.
Image result for kaikoura earthquake 2016Image result for kaikoura earthquake 2016

So the earthquake was caused by two
tectonic plates. For the Pacific had collided
with the Australian. For further information


Lucky That We Didn’t Moove

The midnight quake that originated in Kaikoura, left two cows and a calf stranded on a tiny island of grass after the earthquake triggered landslides all around them. Some calf’s from the stranded cows family are believed to be dead which was leaving the mother distressed and refusing to be lifted up by the helicopter.

Image result for kaikoura earthquake map
The earthquake was a severe seven point five magnitude which was located fifteen kilometres north of Kaikoura and was felt all over New Zealand. There has been more than 3766 aftershocks since Monday and that is hopefully going to be the total. It was much stronger than the 2011 Christchurch quake which was only a five point nine magnitude, but only two human (and a couple cows) fatalities occurred in the Kaikoura quake, whereas the Christchurch one left one hundred and eighty people dead.

This one image left residents of New Zealand, and the world, shocked as it shows how destructive the earthquake really was. This photo shows a hill in some farmland that has a crack running through it from the force of the earthquake, the farm was not far from where the cows were left stranded.  

The 7.5 Kaikoura earthquake left three cows stranded on an island of grass after landslides happened all around them, feeling very distressed as their loved ones would have died. This was one of the strongest earthquakes in New Zealand history but only left us with two deaths and a lot of damage done to Kaikoura, especially farmlands, Wellington and Christchurch.
Especially farmlands…




Kaikoura Earthquake Aftermath- Room 17 Version

After the recent Kaikoura earthquake, the class wrote poems describing how they imagined how it would feel to experience a strong quake themselves.
Below are some examples of poems that


Where I stand the earth shakes.
Grumbles and rumbles it’s an earthquake!

The dirt rolls and slips down from the hills to the rivers below.
The water in the stream coiling and turning, roughly waves hello.
The tide splashing together with great force because of the weather.  

The ground starts to creak and splits open a crater-like hole.
A deep livid cut on the earth just for show.

Quickly you run at top speed up the highest hill and away from the sea.
With the earth still creaking the waves still speaking hide away from the horror under brambles.

The power of nature's worst disrupts MY turf.
When finished, destruction causes fear, things people can not bear.
A steeple in the west crumbles to it’s death.
Lovers crushed under the rubble.
Others being rescued from building windows.

All people with needs, houses crushed by fallen trees.
Some houses untouched, others a wreck.
Because of the earthquake that caused all that is left.

By Eleanor.S

The weekends here, the sun is shining,
My dog sprints around the room.
at first I laugh, but he then starts to bark, prophesying my doom.
I nearly fall as the ground gives a shudder,
all my belongings fall, one after another.
I hear my name, called by my mother,
we stumble clumsily in search of each other.
Hiding under a table, we can't leave the house; the ceiling is too unstable.
So instead we wait while the house still shakes;
Our fate looks pessimistic.
I get a blow to the head, all I hear is destruction,
As the earthquake swallows us whole.   

                    By Emily

I was just sitting back at home
Chilling on the couch
A giant bellow from the dog
A deep rumble disrupting New Zealand
Powerful shaking rocks New Zealand back and forth

Looking out the window to find a wave of people crowding the streets
Worried thoughts drifting through the air
Sprinting out the door
Not knowing the destruction that could occur

Devastating powerful buildings tumbling over
Walls breaking away from each other
Waves of dust drifting through the air
Train tracks chucked left and right
Cars flipped while other vehicles rolled over
Nothing sitting upright

Worried faces
Thoughts drained into thin air
Lives lost
Homes lost
Unique items gone,
Our lives completely reset.

It was twenty past four,
I was chillin’ by myself,
My computer sounds blaring,
Yet to be disturbed.

Only seconds later I was propelled from my seat,
Walls trembled back and forth,
The Earth split open beside me as I frantically clambered to the door.

Screams echoed through the devastated house,
The convulsing Earth still inflicting havoc and mayhem upon me,
Fragments of the ceiling raining down,
Imprisoning me under mountains of rubble and debris.