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Sunday 11 December 2016

Beach Ed Day Feedback from Room 17 Students

After the Beach Ed day, Room 17 had the opportunity to give feedback to the organisers of the event. Their points also validated the experience as well as give further thoughts into planning the next  one. Student voice is a valid part of planning and the carrying out events within the school and class programmes.

PMI for Beach Ed Day  Room 17 Students
We didn’t do any work that day.
In the groups I wasn’t put with my friends.
The IRB= Inflatable Rescue Boat
It was enjoyable.
The people who didn’t want to swim were getting board. They should have an activity to do.
What IRB: Inflatable Rescue Boat means
They taught us how to be safe at the beach in a fun and interactive way.
It felt like we were just following instructions and listening.
Learning the 10 rules for the beach
We learnt how to rescue people.
We could have done more swimming.
Learning about their radio channel: 69
We learnt how to have fun safely.
We could have gone to a better beach.
Would like to see the kneeboard done it action
We learnt how to save our own life.
More challenging activities

Having an opportunity to go swimming
Not seeing what they do in water (for real)

Playing basketball in between breaks
Having more challenges and relays

Learning about their radio channel: 69
The water was cold

Learnt the safety rules for that beach
Could have been a better beach

Got to see the life saving equipment
Taught things we already knew

Some people enjoyed it
Would be good to see some of the boards and equipment in action

Having the opportunity to go swimming, learning about the waves and beach rules.
We should have the opportunity to have turn on the IRB.

Learning about their radio channel 69
The lifeguards should have tried some medical items on one of us.

Everybody had fun

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