My Blog List

Sunday 18 December 2016

This is it! The end of another busy school year.

We have come to the end of a very busy year in Room 17! I would like to wish all the students moving on to Year 9 all the best in their next steps ahead.  I hope that you take on board some Growth mindset concepts and remember to GOTAR.

Thank you to all the parents who have been involved in and supported the learning that went on in Room 17.  Your child gained from you doing so.

I appreciated all of the back up from parents with their children as well as the input into helping Room 17's programme happen.  This ranged from assisting with school trips, getting information quickly back to school, helping to get speakers, resources and information to help the learning grow.

Many thanks again.

Enjoy your holiday with your children.

Valerie Moratti

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