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Monday 10 October 2016

Back to Front Poems

These poems are read down the page and then back up again.
the meaning changes as the reader moves down and back up the lines.

Everyone in the class was asked to choose a topic and then set out their poem as the criteria shows alongside their work.

The next step is to publish to the poem alone, without the numbers and frame surrounding it.

Have a read of the poems and enjoy the turn around in meaning.
Thanks to Emilie, George and Bec for your poems.
Poem by Emilie
  1. Subject is horrible/terrible
  2. No one will ever say
  3. It’s a good/great/amazing thing
  4. A benefit of the action/thing
  5. That’s a lie!
  6. Negative thing
  7.  Negative thing
  8.  Negative thing
  9.  What’s great about it?
  10. Negative thing
  11. Why would you say?
  12. Something good
  13. Negative thing
  14. Don’t you ever tell me
  15. Your subject is important.
  1. Chocolate cake is revolting.
  2. No one will ever say
  3. It is an enjoyable, tasty, treat.
  4. You could savour it as dessert or a snack.
  5. That’s a lie!
  6. It’s a sugar-filled pack of poison.
  7. The extreme enemy of your body.
  8. Chocolate cake is bad for you.
  9. What’s great about it?
  10. It clogs you up and makes you feel sick.
  11. Why would you say?
  12.  It has a mouth-watering taste and a crumbly texture.
  13. It feels gloopy like wet concrete.
  14. Don’t you ever tell me.
  15. Chocolate cake is delicious.                                                 

And now read this up from the bottom.

Soccer training is absolutely pointless.
No one will ever say  
It is amazing and improve your skills
It helps me get really fit
Thats a lie!
If it starts raining then everyone's hands freeze up
It just starts to get boring doing the same thing every practise.
While everyone is practising their stretches and routines everyone's legs start to hurt
What's great about it?
No one wants to repeat a boring shuttle run every Thursday or the same exact routine every week.
Why would you say?
It helps you to learn the rules
It just bores everyone to death
Don’t you ever tell me
Soccer Practise is important.

The beach is horrible
No one will ever say
It's a great way to great
Spend the day
that's a lie!
Its windy
It's wet
It's really cold
What's great about it
It's a bad way to spend a  day
Why would you say?
Waters a great experence.
Don't you ever tell me

The beach is important.


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