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Sunday 9 October 2016

Class Examples of Their Own Uncle Tu Poems

A wide range of ideas, vibrant vocabulary and specific language were required for this task. The students were all encouraged to use 'Show Not Tell' as well with their writing. The following examples contain some of all of these. Kate, Em and Eleanor have created poems while Josh's is formated slightly differently, but the ideas are clearly just the same.

Have a read and enjoy the writing that is happening in Room 17.

Sir Rodney Gallien
If you want to see him
Go to the lake
With foot prints in the sand
And trees slouching in the gale

He is like that

If you want to see him
Look in the school
With kids needing help
Thirsty and lonely
He is like that

If you want to see him
Go to the court house
With wooden benches
Harsh judgment
And new beginnings  

He is like that

If you want to see him
go to the cottage
Overlooking The lush bush
With the constant chorus
of the birds

He is like that

If you want to see him
go to the highs peak
With hair of white snow
Pesing blue lakes
Sparkling like eyes

He is like that.


Cousin Hazel

If you want to see her go to the beach.
Small footprints on the shore
Waves lumbering up the sand, wet.
Trees dancing with the wind.

A fledgling learning to fly

She is like that.

If you want to see her go to the top of the smallest slide.
Look down the smooth slip and off the end.
Find the grass at the bottom,
The eyes of watery mud, lips soft as marshmallows.
Her soft, milky skin, cheeks brushed with pink.

The face of spring.

She is like that

If you want to see her go outside.
The trees frolicking, the rain starting to play.
A ball springing up and down.
A tui flying swiftly home.

A lively puppy.

She is like that

If you want to see her go to her room.

See the toys tossed out along the floor.
Watch the wind-up toys coming to a stop.
The curtains dropping shut,
watch the rain and dark sky disappear behind them.

See her teddy tucked up warmly, sound asleep.

She is like that

By Eleanor

If you want to see her go to her room.

See the toys tossed out along the floor.
Watch the wind-up toys coming to a stop.
The curtains dropping shut,
watch the rain and dark sky disappear behind them.

See her teddy tucked up warmly, sound asleep.

She is like that
By Eleanor

              MARGARET Name ommitted.

                  If you want to meet her, go to the pebbled beach.
Have a picnic, search for smooth, colored sea glass.
And she will be there.

If you want to see her, just knock on the door of her house,
she will greet you with a neighbourly smile.
Look around the block; spot the red and white polka dotted figure in the distance, walking towards you;
Instantly, you will be reminded of minnie mouse.

Watch over cautiously, as the veggies in the pot turn soggy.
Witness the kindness she has towards children and people.
Share her smile, as she tells the stories of playing with her sisters as a girl.
You have just met my nana.


Uncle George

You can see the thick, bushy forest laying on top of his head. The hairs spurting all about in random places as is he had just rubbed a balloon on his head. The jungle continues down onto his legs with the vines sticking out of his skin. Get him to make a face and you will see the little wrinkles appear on his cheeks and his face will scrunch up like a prune.

‘He is like that.’

I you want to see him, look up, way up above the thick, white clouds and you will see the towering giant standing above the short stubby dwarfs. Watch his colossal legs lunge towards the bulbous football, as he get’s ready to slam it into the goal. You will see him duck underneath doorways, so he doesn’t end up with an obese lump ontop of his forehead.

‘He is like that.’

Go to the snow and you will see him, slipping and sliding at speed down the mountain, on board of his long, slim snowboard. If you don’t find him there, go on a long, treacherous journey to infamous house. If you look through the transparent windows you will see him all comfortable sitting down in front of his T.V, he should have a controller in his hands…

‘He is like that.’

If you want to hear him, listen, your ears should be filled with the sound of his voice, he should be babbling out immature jokes at his friends. They won’t be laughing. You will hear him talking in different voices all of the time, one moment he sounds posh, the next he sounds Australian. But behind all of this weird behaviour there is a brainy kid who his as smart as a carrot. I don’t know if carrots are smart but…

‘He is like that.’

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